Now You See It…

A pretty obvious idea by Estee Lauder CEO, Fabrizio Freda, has caused something of a stir in prestige beauty circles. Showing prices at the counter has been an absolute no-no for years….now I think about it, I can’t understand why it hasn’t been questioned before. There are very few goods that one is expected to have to make contact with a sales member to find out the price…and of course, once that contact has been made, the sales talk can begin. But, at last, someone influential has finally, finally cottoned on to the fact that if a consumer can’t see the price of something, they may make an assumption that it is too expensive for them and literally walk on by. In trial stores in the USA where prices on the Lauder counters were readily displayed, customers were surprised that it was all far more affordable that they’d been expecting. Fabrizio also says, ‘Women want to play with products without being disturbed by a consultant.’ Halleluja. Someone.Finally.Gets.It. We knew for years that we’d like to look at a lipgloss unmolested, know the price before we fall in love and not be embarrassed into buying something that’s really too expensive because it all gets a bit too hard to say no. Of course, if Fabrizio’s plans roll out everywhere, other beauty brands will fall into an agony of indecision about whether they too should do the unthinkable – inform their customers.

But before we all fall upon Fabrizio as a lone voice of common sense, he’s also got plans to axe 2000 jobs. Ouch. With profits at $256.2 million, I think Mr Freda, you don’t really need to do that.

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8 responses to “Now You See It…”

  1. Ah, the voice of reason at last. I wonder how many consumer studies they had to do before this message finally got through??
    Personally, I consider myself a relatively high-volume purchaser of cosmetics, and this is really the one thing that puts me off buying.

  2. Hi,
    I’m Isabelle,I’m french.Your blog is genious,very very génious….Bye

  3. Hurrah! Finally they cotton on! 🙂 Emma

  4. Caroleen D

    This is so weird : in France there is always a price tag, and I was quite upset when I saw none in London last week-end.

  5. millmollmac

    Hurray Hurrah Hurrah! my biggest beauty pet hate! what annoys me more is when I ask how much something is and the bloody assistant doesn’t know and makes it seem like an enormous incovenience to have to find out!

  6. Unicorn

    I hope Benefit take heed. They are the worst when it comes to annoying, pushy sales people.

  7. Selina

    Damn right! Here in New Zealand there tends to be a combination of brands who display prices and those who don’t, and I will often avoid the unpriced brands without realising I’m doing it. One thing I hate is having to ask the price and finding out it’s way beyond my price range – I feel like the salesperson is judging me for being a cheapskate or something! (Hey, let’s face it, some of them do!)

  8. Rebecca

    I work for a major retailer here in the States and the idea of showing prices was implemented last year. Women now ask more questions about products and I love that they want more information!! Dior prices compare with Lacome and Estee Lauder and I want them to know they can get a product for a simliar price tag!

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