Of all the beauty categories, skin care is the hardest (for me) to assess thoroughly. When I did the Olay trial, it was actually a relief to only be using three products, and I can’t quite give up the serum, so I’m still using that.
NCN has been in a long line of products to be tested for quite some time. I’ve used it for just over two weeks and the jury is still out, but I’m aware that a fortnight isn’t a long time in skin care terms.
NCN is a US brand produced by medical aesthetician, Nanci Callahan Nivolo, and it’s new to the UK. There’s no doubt that NCN feels like a very serious skin care range – one of the claims it that it will ‘get your glow back’ and that’s certainly true; my skin definitely has a glow! However, it’s a complicated range that needs some basic understanding of what certain ingredients do; you could research for hours and still be a bit confused about what would be best for your skin. I’ve been using the GHK-Cu CP EGF Serum and DNA Serum; one of the things I liked about GHK-Cu is that the instructions say to use as little as possible – that’s not something you hear every day!
DNA Serum claims are: to get to DNA level (sceptical face on right there), improving firmness and texture (yes to texture, no so far to firmness) and helping skin hydrate and retain moisture (a definite yes to both). GHK-Cu claims are to lift and firm skin (not yet), tackle deep wrinkles (not yet) and to bring hyper-pigmentation to the surface to be exfoliated away (can’t say I have noticed this yet). And yet, despite not noticing individual aspects of the claims, my skin hasn’t had a single moment of dryness since using the two NCN products, it’s definitely more glowy and super-soft.
I think there is a bit of commitment required to embrace the NCN range – it’s not cheap either (but nor is it off the scale expensive) and if you’re the kind of person that loves a full-on beauty routine, I think you’d get a great deal of pleasure from using it. However, if you like to keep things simple, it’s not for you.
Overall, NCN is an intriguing range – I’d like to stick with it a bit longer ideally, and to be completely open I’ve been using it with the Olay serum. Head HERE if you want to see more.
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