Hello Matte Perfect Shine Control Foundation! I get lots of readers with oily skin issues, so hearing about this is such good timing as it goes on line this afternoon on the MUA Site.
MUA Matte Perfect FoundationThere aren’t as many shades as I’d like to see (three, and they’re light) but at £2 I’m not going to complain (yet). The bottom line is that if your skin is oily and you are prone to shine, this will help to reduce it. You can use the Matte Perfect Loose Powder, £2.30, to top up on shine-control during the day if you need to.
MUA Matte Perfect Loose PowderJust grab a fluffy brush and apply very lightly over problem areas. The powder is very finely milled, just as you would expect from a premium range. Check http://www.muastore.co.uk/ this afternoon (about 4ish if you want to avoid the rush!).
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