Milk Make Up Hydro Grip Set + Refresh Spray Review

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] As a general rule, I’m not a fan of setting sprays or primers. I don’t like a lot of products on my skin all at once, and let’s face it, I’m not exactly out nightclubbing til dawn so I don’t actually need my make up to last for ever. That said, if you’re oily, and tend to lose your base quite easily, they can be an absolute boon.

Milk’s version is unusual in that it doesn’t contain alcohol. Setting sprays work by forming a film of polymers (long molecules) over your make up to create a protective shield. If it’s a good one, that veil will hold your products to your skin, preventing them from fading or disappearing so it’s worth having one in your beauty arsenal if you have long events where touching up isn’t easy.

The other way to hang onto your make up is to use a primer such as Hydro Grip Primer which you apply after your moisturiser/SPF but before your make up. A primer stops your skin absorbing make up – the less porous your skin is, the likelier it is that your make up will hang around and creating a veil between your skin and your make up allows this to happen. The Hydro Grip makes your skin feel incredibly soft – I was expecting something like a blur product that uses silicones to create a perfect surface but this one feels a bit ‘wetter’ than the gel primers. I found it a little bit drying on my skin so my preference would probably be the spray. They both have decent skin care ingredients – hyaluronic, aloe and cherry blossom for example – and the absence of alcohol in the spray is a big plus. Hydro Grip is £20 (100ml) HERE and Hydro Grip + Set Spray is £20 HERE.

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