Merry Christmas! The BBB Tree Is Up.

I’m saving any grand speeches for my 3rd blog birthday in January, but I do wish you a truly happy time over Christmas and the Holiday period, and give a very heartfelt thanks for checking into BBB as often as you do. It just makes me very happy.

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10 responses to “Merry Christmas! The BBB Tree Is Up.”

  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!! Thanks for being so wonderful and for having a fab blog xxx

  2. And a very happy Xmas to you too! Thanks for your blog and everything you do. I’m hoping to flee home tomorrow, assuming that snow doesn’t get in the way of my plans (Dear Snow, STAY AWAY FROM GATWICK, k thk bai)… ahem yes. But anyway, once I get there I’ll definitely raise a glass (or six) in your honour 🙂

  3. Joel

    <3 <3<3 x HO HO HO Merrry Christmas.. (im the skinny santa who brings gifts from Chanel)

  4. Beauty Addict

    Joel: You are the best Santa ever! hahaha I wish I had one like you near my house! 🙂

  5. Merry Christmas! Time to get the mince pies out 🙂 x

  6. Joel

    Beauty addict: hahaha.. Santa has a slay 🙂

  7. Thank you for updating as often as you do!

    Not that I don’t appreciate the efforts of all bloggers, whether they post every day or every couple of week….but sometimes I have dropped blogs of my reading list when they aren’t updated frequently enough (once every couple of months sometimes!)

    …It can sometimes be frustrating checking through the list of bookmarked 20-30 blogs and only finding new material on 4 or 5 of them….so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being able to rely upon the fact that you have something new for me to read about (and the fact that you write well, about interesting things, and are brutally honest is a huge added bonus…). Merry Christmas!

  8. beautywoome

    Merry Christmas! Hope you and the rest of the BBB clan (pups included) have a super (that was just for you) great holiday. xx Jess

  9. Natasha

    Merry Christmas to you too, I am looking forward to the blog birthday speeches!! Will it be in the manner of the Queen’s speech?

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