MAC Supernatural Dazzle Eyeshadows

MAC Supernatural Dazzle Eyeshadows

I spent a good deal of Friday afternoon at the MAC store in Carnaby Street sipping hot chocolate (my first of the winter) and being taken through the latest MAC releases. Also though, I was fascinated (in a bad way) by the beetroot latte on offer – it smelled absolutely horrible! I could have got on board if it had been strawberry because it looked pretty enough. So, first up are these Supernatural Dazzle eye shadows.

MAC Supernatural Dazzle Eyeshadows

They’re quite right to call them dazzling – the shine from these! Funnily enough, they’re not deep colours although they look so intense in the pots. You can build them up of course, but actually they’re more like a shine wash to go over other colours or for a bare lid with gleam which actually makes them rather more flexible. I’d definitely add a bit of this to a gloss to take it next level. I’ve washed all these over a matte brown and they look so good I can’t tell you. Each colour has a metallic base with differently coloured sparkles within.

MAC Supernatural Dazzle Eyeshadows

This is a terrible swatch picture, I know but my camera really does hate sparkles but I think you get the general idea. I can either get it sharp and it kills the shimmer or get it blurry with shimmer and since I thought the shimmer is what this product is all about I’d keep it.. but I apologise for the blur. So bottom to top: I Like 2 Watch, Let’s Roll and Say It Isn’t So. I Like is brown with gold sparkle, Let’s Roll is red bronze with pinky red sparkle, and Say It Isn’t So is grey with pink sparkles. There are 12 shades – some new, some returning.

They’re £16.50 each launching next week. By the way, I’d love you to tell me what you think is wrong with MAC. It’s not doing that well according to the financial pages, so where are they going wrong?

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15 responses to “MAC Supernatural Dazzle Eyeshadows”

  1. That green/gold shade!! I love them so much! I feel like MAC aren’t featured by the big YouTuber’s anymore, it’s all about Too Faced, Cover FX etc yet MAC featured so often a few years ago xx

  2. Kerry

    Hi Jane

    Years ago I was a MAC FREAK, if it wasn’t MAC it wasn’t going on my face. But now there is easy access to so many lovely and exciting brands, I sort of feel MAC is old school now?? I got annoyed with the seemingly endless stream of editions they produced, far too overwhelming. Everything MAC I used to use, I have found better alternatives – I have never went back to MAC for anything. I’ve never reached for any of my MAC single shadows, lipsticks, glosses or palettes for a long time. The only thing that briefly held my interest was the Patrick Starr collab – but even then, I didn’t purchase anything. So I can’t answer your question I’m afraid, sorry for just giving you my ramblings ha! xx

    @ KerryKegs

  3. They are very pretty, nice that they are buildable too.

  4. Steph

    MAC need to focus on their permanent product catalogue not endless ltd ed lines. & when they find a product like stylishly merry from the snowball collection sells out, how about a line of shadows or palette in that formula/colour shift? Their regular shadows have gone down in quality for me & are frankly boring. Price point v quality is not the same anymore, Clinique is a similar price & much higher quality nowadays!! Yes they should have key collections/ collaborations but less of them & more emphasis on the regular line – invest there & pick up on the key items from those collections to add to the permanent library.

  5. Caroline Ericsson

    I think their marketing strategy is a little off. They are positioned as such an arty edgy brand which often puts cash rich women in 30-50s (like myself) off.

    I somehow always feel that there products are not for me that somehow I’m not cool enough for them. Unfortunately this means that I often overlook them which is crazy as they often, very often, outperform more expensive brands (Charlotte Tilbury, By Terry I’m looking at you both).

  6. Jomila

    Macs eyeshadow were famous. You knew what brown script and nylon was. Make up feel was extremely competitive in pricing and really good formula and that’s what stopped the Mac trend. Then the youtubers were featuring different brands that look cutely packaged ( hard to be impressed by matte black now) Mac tried with the limited edition ( I still fall for those!). I think recently they have started to change all their brushes to synthetic but the price is the same. That is ridiculous! And then to open their market to China was a radical move. When I beauty is where it’s at why bother trying to break that market? Their Mac aids fund was what I would use to defend their work for humanity and animals but now I am a little speechless. If I had more spending money it would have gone to Mac but i am working on a spending ban on makeup from a while ago and it is only Mac that really broke the ban. Now I’m just plain annoyed about the synthetic brushes as I slowly saved up to research and buy more but now I have to look elsewhere (eyeing up Goss brushes)

    Hope my points make some sense!

  7. Jomila

    Make up geek* please correct Jane!

  8. I feel as though MAC’s quality is more hit and miss but the prices keep going up. As others have said, the limited editions could be overwhelming. Even if I see an LE MAC product reviewed that I like, I know I am really unlikely to ever make it to a I also feel that MAC MAC shop in time to actually swatch and buy it so I just look for the dupes straight away.

    Palettes seem to get a lot of social media attention and I do think MAC struggles to put out strong palettes. I also feel that MAC used to seem more innovative and you have brands like Colourpop coming out with consistently strong products with a mix of wearable and out there colours and at such affordable prices too. Lots of brands I think of now have a stronger marketing message and target market but it seems as thought MAC is trying to be too many things to too many different markets?

    Again, the counters still don’t feel that approachable even for a long time buyer and I just don’t feel like I want to buy into the MAC brand story so much. Other brands make me want to buy into their products to be part of their gang like Glossier makes me want their products so I can be part of the glowy skin millennial cool girl gang?

  9. Shanee

    I used to love MAC when they were first out and for a long time afterwards. I am Canadian and discovered the brand there before they were even out here. I feel like their core product range is good, has some great hits and some misses, just like any other brand.
    What really bugs me now is the countless limited edition collections, of which the quality seems sub par to some of their permanent stuff.
    Also, at 40 + now, I feel drawn to other higher end brands. They seem to market towards younger people.

  10. Lee McCann

    I get extremely frustrated with their price points, $ to £ is extraordinarily marked up, their Christmas lip kit with 12 lipsticks was $65 yet the UK customer were being charged £85, there is no justification at all for this, the same goes for the $ price for single pans against the £ price. And don’t get me started on £ to €. It really has put me off buying anything from the brand.

    1. Jane

      That is a big hike.. I hadn’t realised.

  11. Maria

    agree With all the points made above, the price point, the shifting quality, and especially the attitude of staff to the customer, ok if your under 30 it seems, but I have even been abandoned halfway through a sales pitch as a younger customer came in, the ass. literally walked off to enquire what the other ( def younger) customer was looking for. Never went back to the Cardif store after that ( I am in my 40,s

    1. Jane

      that’s not good!

  12. AJ

    I feel that there are too many products to the extent that it is overwhelming and the staff tend to be unfriendly and unhelpful, which means you have to struggle to choose a new nude lipstick from the 40 or so options on your own. The only product I regularly buy now is the pro longwear concealer (despite the annoying pump that dispenses too much product).

  13. I just find MAC very intimidating and I would only go in if I was super sure what I wanted (MAC ruby woo), otherwise I am too scared to go in. Sometimes I go to the ones in Debenhams/House of Fraser since it is less… scary.

    I’ve actually tried a beetroot latte before and it is super delicious! Can’t say much about the smell since I have a really bad sense of smell.. sorry

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