Les Merveilleuses Laduree Rose Laduree Pot

Laduree Face Color Pot
Laduree Face Color Pot

Where to start with this thing of absolute beauty? I’ve written frequently about the Laduree make-up collection – the Les Merveilleuses Laduree Rose Laduree Pot is clearly one of the stand out pieces that’s all about the ritual of make-up and dressing table glamour.

Laduree Rose Petals
Laduree Rose Petals

The petals inside are a feat of formulation. Each one not only looks like a rose petal in exact detail but it’s make-up all the way through to a sliver of paper to hook it onto. The formulation is a mix of Damask rose extract, honey, thyme extract and cacao butter (amongst other things) and they hold together without disintegrating because of a careful balance of emollients and powders. I think they’re the most clever things I’ve ever seen and I know it took the developers three years to perfect.

Laduree Rose Petals
Laduree Rose Petals

When you hold one, it’s like holding a feather – they’re impossibly soft and light and yet, when you swirl a kabuki brush over the petals a soft and delicate pink shade comes up that you can apply as a light blush. And the petals have the prettiest rose scent – it’s a very true rose fragrance that hasn’t had a lot of sugar added. I can hardly believe that the Les Merveilleuses Laduree Rose Laduree Pot is even make up.

So, it probably won’t be a surprise to discover that the petals cost EU81. And the pot is EU39. However, I think if you’re going to look at this as more of a collector’s item than make up, then perhaps it’s not so pricy. Les Merveilleuses Laduree make up is made in Japan – it’s all hand finished and pressed – every item has had detailed attention from a person, not a machine. I said in my last post on Laduree that these petals are at the cutting edge of what can be achieved formulation and presentation wise with make up – I cannot wait to see what Laduree does next.

Our nearest place to buy is Sephora in France, where Les Merveilleuses Laduree has launched – the website is HERE and yes, they ship to the UK!

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8 responses to “Les Merveilleuses Laduree Rose Laduree Pot”

  1. This is incredible – a work of art to be displayed properly :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

  2. Wow, I had no idea this was an actual make-up product. How original and pretty! Pricy as well but it’s a unique product that can definitely be splurged on. Absolutely gorgeous – how does the blush translate on the skin?

  3. I can’t quite believe how beautiful those petals are! xx

  4. This is incredibly beautiful. As much as I’d love to own this I don’t believe I could ever bring myself to actually use the petals as a blush. More like a decorative inspirational piece to stare at.

  5. Sophie

    Sooo pretty! This has to be the standout in the line so far… Wow!


  6. Oh wow, this is absolutely beautiful!

  7. Absolutely beautiful! What a treat those would be on a makeup table. Thanks for the post!

  8. I’ve been lusting after this collection for many moons and here at last it is within shopping distance. Those petals are just heart stompingly beautiful as a makeup item….€120 though ouch

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