L:A Bruket – Nordic Skin Care

There’s definitely a trend emerging for Nordic beauty products making their way to the UK. Last week, I reported on Tromborg, a beautiful make up and skin care brand from Denmark heading to our shores, but this week I stumbled across L:A Bruket, above.

The range is hand-made in Sweden using mainly natural ingredients – can’t help loving the sound of Mandarin Body Lotion. It’s quite pricy at £24.75, but mandarin is such a beautiful scent for winter to cheer away the gloom it might well be worth it for the smell alone. 

Find the range HERE

We now have BIOEffect (Iceland), the lovely Estelle & Thild range (Sweden) and now two more to add to the Nordic take-over. Keep a look out for C/O Gerd from Swedish Lapland and also Luxsit. Can you think of any more?

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5 responses to “L:A Bruket – Nordic Skin Care”

  1. Leticia Ortega

    mmmmmmm i’d like to try mandarin body lotion.

  2. Sounds like these sorts of products would make a great Christmas gift. I love Orange scents so that Mandarin body lotion really appeals 🙂 x

    Angelica [One Little Vice]

  3. Magpie

    You have Skin Science, as well? That’s a Norwegian brand.

  4. millie

    SachaJuan Swedish Hair brand and Face Stockholm a make up brand recently returned to the UK. Both really amazing brands…

  5. Anonymous

    UNA Skincare from Iceland

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