It’s a long time since I’ve done one of these posts, but you can leave it up to the Japanese to be ultra-creative when it comes to thinking up beauty gadgets. Here’s a little round up of my favourites.

Basically, these are snaggle teeth. Apparently, it’s something of a trend (Kawaii) in Japan to think that imperfect teeth are cute. So, after their parents spent god knows how many yen on the orthadontist, for $39 you can undo all that work with a set of snaggle teeth.

This isn’t quite as silly as it looks. Designed to prevent you putting too much weight on one portion of your feet, the supports improve blood circulation and posture and help to keep your feet warm. The only reason I say that this might become a ‘thing’ is because the (university created) technology has been patented in four countries. All I can say is look what happened when Fitflop did a similar thing – global in a nano-second.

And finally the Face Waver designed to be used for a five minute session of facial toning exercises. I think all I can say here is don’t. Just don’t.
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