I love cushion foundations, and I love the Isadora brand so this is a match made in heaven for me. It’s dewy and light-feeling, the coverage is light to medium and it’s more affordable at £28.50 than some I’ve seen. If you want to dabble in cushions then this is a very good place to start, not least because instead of having to buy a cushion refill, you can refill it with Isadora Nude Fluid Foundation – exactly the same formula in a bottle which makes the cushion the transportable arm of the Nude Fluid.
Nude Fluid contains aloe vera, vitamin E and a grape extract so there’s a bit of skin care going on in there, too. On the down-side, the Isadora Cushion Foundation has only six shades and none of them particularly dark.
More importantly though, in all the time I’ve been writing about the Isadora brand, it hasn’t been available to buy in the UK. That’s about to change next month when Isadora launches onto the FeelUnique website – good news for fans of the brand who’ve only ever been able to get it when shopping in Europe. I don’t hear much from FeelUnique so all I know is that it will be rolling out from October. I’m a big fan of Isadora nail polishes so if you’re looking to discover the brand, I’d recommend starting there.
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