I’ve only got the scantest of information about this new brand from Bourjois launching end of April/beginning of May, but it looks really quite exciting. The ‘natural’ range, with eco-packaging and Eco-Cert ingredients looks like an encouraging step towards deleting toxins from cosmetics, and forthcoming beauty innovations such as new mascara brush designs and ‘portion control’ on gloss applicators take it a step further. So far, so nice.

How Is Your French? Une Cosmetics from Bourjois
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10 responses to “How Is Your French? Une Cosmetics from Bourjois”
Sounds so good! Thanks for sharing!
In Spain we have Une (I think from 2009) and there’s no reviews about this brand and no comments. I saw the counter in Corte Ingles (Deparment Store) and the girl was absolutely alone. It’s quite strange. Maybe is because they don’t do marketing campaing or somethin like that. I try to buy something in order to see how are the products, but so much silence about a new brand is not good.
Cheers from Spain -
I tried the brand when it was released here last September, and was very disappointed. The brand claims to be natural/organic, which is great, but they chose to position themselves as a brand for all natural girls only. Neutral tones only, and with zero pigmentation. I find it really stupid to assume that girls interested in organic cosmetics will automatically like neutral colors only. Even worse, the marketing material is about how Une women aren’t superficial and artificial. Well, thank you, I’m gonna be vain and buy other brands.
Interesting comments on this. I’m actually really looking forward to this being released in the UK, as I don’t think there are *enough* organic colour brands around. But … we shall see.
I’m intriguiged too…sounds quite different
This excites me – I am LOVING Bourjois’ work at the moment, so I hope this new range is just as good!
Sounds good with eco packaging ad all…this must be a very good range indeed.
We have Une in Belgium, in a drugstore chain called “Di”. Yes, it’s all natural/neutral colours, with little pigmentation. I do have to say I got their foundation, which is supposed to be very light, and found it a bit heavy – now,I was indeed looking for a very light one, and since Une are all about the “no makeup look”, I went for it. It turned out too heavy for what I wanted, and a bit cakey.
I did also get a cream blush. These I really like, very good quality, go on very well indeed, and they look very natural. And cheap too, for the quality, about 11 Euro for the blush.
As for them being “natural” and “organic”, well, I don’t really buy it. It’s just same old, same old, in new packaging (albeit a nice and sober one, white plastic with green letters on it, not high-end type) and a good marketing strategy. That’s the only reason they don’t do colour, to align themselves with this idea of “natural” and “organic”, which, as said above, yeah, is a tad insulting for those of us who like colour.
When it’s out, do have a look, though. I have only tried these two products, but I will probably try a few more. I just shrug my shoulders at their idea of “natural and organic”, and get on with some makeup picking and choosing. -
Azi:im from iran acountry that u guess the women don,t use make up but in my country lot’s of women use many make up i use Guerlain,Ysl,clarins and even Dior,i use borjouis too but i think Une is so good u must know how to use this product to have a better feel about Une i like Une because it’s so natural and i wana say that if u know how to use this prouduct it has so colour and ever more cover that u want!!
hi there.
I haven’t heard about UNE before and I founf it just now, started studying in London. I’m quite sceptic about the brands representing themselves as “organic” even though you then can easily find parabens in the ingredient list. Burjois was ok, but not of my favourites ones, but I dared trying foudation, coz I have quite problematic skin and it got even worse when I moved in.
To my surprise, my skin quality improved, even though the foundation itself is heavish. Then I tried powder, eye pencil, make up remover, blush, mascara, shadows and lip balm. All of them are just fine, long lasting and neutrl look, which I love and also give my preference. Just when I opened the box of dry foundation it was all ruined in pieces and I didn’t get a refund, which was quite sad, but I still use it as a powder.
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