Hello again, ZIPP HALO! #ad

[sponsoredcontent] This is my second outing with ZIIP HALO, one of the easiest skin gadgets I’ve ever used and I’m back because there are some updates. Generally for anything techy, I do an explanation post followed by a results post so I’ll certainly be putting the new lip treatment to the test with another post later in the year detailing how I got along. ZIIP HALO founder, Melanie Simon, is facialist to the stars and I think you can very much tell that the ZIIP HALO device was created by someone who very much understands skin rather than some tech bros in a lab.

One of the big problems with beauty tech – one of the biggest growth areas in the beauty industry – is that consistency is key. If a gadget isn’t a) easy to understand, b) easy to use and c) quick to use, I think we can lose interest very fast because it just feels like such a faff. ZIIP HALO is all of the above and you can segue it into your day without disruption. I tend to use mine when I’m watching TV or Netflix.

ZIIP HALO provides a mix of nanocurrents and microcurrents, both different to each other in that nano-currents, as their name might suggest, are smaller electrical currents than micro, working on skin at a cellular level by stimulating collagen and elastin production via the kinetic heat that’s generated from your ZIIP HALO. Microcurrents target muscle which is where the facial toning comes in, meaning that ZIIP Halo is working across the board to get both cells and muscles to work more efficiently. On faces, the smallest tightening can make a difference.

There’s an app – and please, please don’t be put off because it’s brilliant – that takes you through routines and you literally just follow whatever Melanie is doing. You can do whatever treatment plan you’re in the mood for, but the app remembers the last routine that you did to keep you on track with areas of the face. I really liked the ‘event’ plan that is a week of intense treatments to perk up your skin for a special event.

How does it feel? Well, it’s a curious feeling of mild tingling that’s not painful but it is evident. You use the ZIIP HALO in strokes over your face with a conductor gel (included) and the device gives a buzz when it’s time to move on to another area. There’s a second buzz – more of a beep actually – that indicates when you need to move to a different part of your face.

As an ex-smoker I have upper lip skin creasing which I’m fine with – they’re just part of me – but it does mean that any effect should show because the issue is present. It’s a two minute daily routine and I can definitely find two minutes in a day. Generally though, from past experience of using ZIIP HALO, what I liked most was that my complexion looked more energised and smooth. I’m not particularly interested in ‘turning back time’ but my nosy side wants to know whether things work or not so I’m happy to use my own face as a testing ground. And, I will never say no to plumped and silky looking skin 😊.

In addition to the lip routine, there’s a 30 Day Plan, a Glass Skin 14 Day Plan, a Wedding Prep 14 Day Plan and a Vacation Prep 10 Day Plan – all variations on a theme and if you’re completely at home with your ZIIP HALO already, you can devise your own. I’d suggest you start with a 10 or 14 day ‘plan’ because it’s short enough to stay motivated but you’ll also find it’s long enough for it to become a habit. As another tip, keep your device somewhere very handy and visible – within easy reach of wherever you relax – so there are no barriers to you sticking to the plan and so that you don’t forget (easily done!).

I have a code, if this feels like something you’d like to try, for 10% off ZIIP HALO at CurrentBody HERE. Please use JANEZIIP (you can also use this if you need top up gels for an existing device).


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5 responses to “Hello again, ZIPP HALO! #ad”

  1. Sa

    Like the sound of this, Jane! Intrigued that I might be able to plump/firm (not ‘de-age’) whilst watching the telly! Does it make a noise as it does its thing? Thinking a fly zapper ‘zzzzp’ noise might not be so restful!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      No it doesn’t while you’re ‘stroking’ it on your face but there are intermittent reminders of what you’re meant to be doing next 🙂

  2. Sabine

    Dear Jane, love you blog and read it most days. I am interested in the Ziip Halo. It says on the website that you should not use it on the same day as you use a retinol. I use my Dermatica prescription almost every day, that is my main concern. Do you use a retinol daily or is that not a concern for you? I am really interested in this.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Hi Sabine, I don’t use retinol so that issue hasn’t come up for me but I think that’s fairly new advice – I can’t think why it would be unless they’ve had some contra-indications in trials so issue the blanket advice. I mean, you know your skin best so it might mean you could swap to every other day initially and see how you go, but ideally, follow the advice 🙂

      1. Sabine

        Dear Jane, thank you for your reply. I will contact them.

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