Guest Post on Ralph Lauren Big Pony No 4: Stylish

Yikes..I asked Joel of, to give me his thoughts on Ralph Lauren Big Pony Stylish. I think it’s safe to say, he’s not a fan!

“I usually associate the name Ralph Lauren with classy, preppy rich boys and girls who study at Eton and shop at well, Ralph Lauren. So the first question that pops to mind is why in the name of grilled gheezus would such an esteemed brand kill their image with a bottle that could pass as a mediocre air freshner? Ok fine, I get that its all about the actual scent and not ALL about the bottle but to be perfectly honest the “Stylish” number 4 doesn’t smell that stylish either. I’m all for tradition and simplicity, but for me to buy a product or want to buy, it has to also be aesthetically pleasing, especially with something as important as fragrance. Think about it, when was the last time you picked up a perfume bottle which you didn’t first think “oh, what a divine bottle, what brand is that?” or “f*ck me that bottle is amazeballs of steel, can I try that?” (Ok maybe you didn’t use those exact words, but you get my meaning).
I really think team Lauren could have gone for simple matte colours, or something which keeps that masculine feel they’re desperate to maintain but is still modern and gets consumers like myself giddy for a tester or to even purchase.
Now, the description for number 4,”Stylish” says, “An energizing boost that layers mandarin and kyarawood for a one-of-a-kind, stylish edge. Representing the game of style and the opportunity to express individuality..” Yet, I’ve smelt this smell before, I may not remember where but I have and the scent doesn’t get my juices flowing whatsoever. And if “Stylish” is supposed to represent “the game of style” then I think I missed that conference. The funny thing is that I wore the fragrance to meet up with friends and they asked “what perfume are you wearing?”, this was the only time I actually felt an inch of positivity about this particular product. Thinking I was the belle of the ball, I replied, “oh, it’s Ralph Lauren darling..” . My friends gave me the’please go take a second shower right now’ face.
Well, with 4 seperate products in the collection lets just hope one of the other three has a more unique scent that represents the Ralph Lauren brand more accurately.”

Ok, so thank you Joel for being so honest and upfront. Fragrance is completely subjective, so if any BBB readers are in love with this scent for their man, please drop by and add in a comment or two.

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3 responses to “Guest Post on Ralph Lauren Big Pony No 4: Stylish”

  1. beautydiarist

    I do wonder what is going on with Ralph Lauren perfumes, Polo used to be so recognisable back in the
    ’70s and now every RL perfume/aftershave I smell is just generic, a bit melony for the girlies and a bit spicey for the chaps. What a shame. Jan x

  2. “f*ck me that bottle is amazeballs of steel, can I try that?” LOLz! Great line!
    I agree, not that convinced by any of these new fragrances. They’re all a big… blerghh, nothingy!

  3. Skin Deep Beauty Blogger

    I’d love to be considered for a guest post sometime- adore your blog!

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