Honestly, I think there is art to reading translated French press releases – I clearly haven’t mastered that art. I suppose it’s admirable really, just how many effusive expressions they have for one single product. It’s a limitless supply. However, this Guerlain KissKiss lipstick arrived in the post this morning, and I put it on straight away.
I’m not sure why – maybe the sweet, waxy fragrance – but as soon as I’d applied it I was transported back to my childhood when I desperately wanted to be old enough to wear lipstick. I had a very clear image of playing with some of my mum’s lipsticks and being beside myself with the glamour of them!

It gave me such a rush of that feeling of not knowing what it is to be an adult but urgently wanting it anyway. All that from the slick of a lipstick. It’s made me feel really, really happy, so while I can’t really tell you much more about this (new formula, maybe? new packaging, certainly), I can tell you that if you’re searching for the ultimate grown-up lipstick, this is it.
I’ll update on launch details when I get them.
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