Way before Chanel’s famously fabulous blue nail varnish, and way before the neon vibe hit the make up counters, Versace had the look sewn up. Neon orange, yellow and metallic blue were in their line up several seasons ago. Three years at least. However, all’s gone quiet on this stylish brand, but why? A major repackaging and revamping is secretly going ahead – due out next year. However, a quick check on the internet reveals that Versace is one of the biggest brands in the so called ‘grey’ market – i.e. discounted. Once a product goes outside a ‘normal’ distribution channel, the manufacturers have little or no control over the price at which it is sold. But, there is no guarantee that when buying discounted grey market cosmetics you are getting the real thing. They may well be counterfeits. There is an exceptionally good article on http://perfumeshrine.blogspot.com/2008/02/dirty-secrets-of-grey-market-fakes.html that lifts the lid on how counterfeiting and the grey market really impact on the beauty industry and, of course, consumers.
From Blue To Grey
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