[unpaid/affiliate] I was alerted to how good the Harvey Nichols sale is in its last few days so had to verify 😉 and I can say that there are some incredible bargains on there – across everything. Beauty is a bit predictably Christmassy but you’ll find Sisley, Fenty and Atkinsons quite nicely reduced. The thing that caught my eye – although it’s not the biggest reduction – is the Serge Lutens Collection Noir Sampler Set.

It’s £42 instead of £60 HERE which just tips it into the not ridiculous. I’m cutting and pasting the product description because it’s so very ‘Serge Lutens’ – make of it what you will! I think this is something to savour over the winter months when heady fragrances with warmth and depth are most at home and the set does a good job of charting Serge Lutens’ work over the years. Read to the bottom for a grand finale!
Fils De Joie: The laugh of the disillusioned is what makes Fils De Joie son of joy burst into laughter without reason. As a child and in the shadows he learned of their intoxications their tears and their illusions. Today he brings these to light through the glorious scent of night-blooming jasmine.
La Fille De Berlin: A city a history an experience… nothing less is required to evoke a woman whose beauty renders her as notorious as her thorny character. Strong willed explosive – one thing is certain: she will never allow herself to be taken for a ride.
Ambre Sultan: Evoking a fragment of amber resin picked up by Serge Lutens during a wander through the souks of Marrakech which lay forgotten for years inside a thuja wood box this perfume marks a return to a focus on the identity and authenticity of unique ingredients.
Fleurs d’Oranger: “It’s within us. A single whiff of this fragrance drawn from the highly scented blossom of the bitter orange tree augmented by a hint of civet resonates within us.” Serge Lutens
Un Bois Vanille: Deep within Aztec Mexico Serge Lutens leads us in the footsteps of the conquistador Hernán Cortés and his discovery of the most heavenly nectar vanilla. A delicious wood-scented journey to the heart of a forgotten civilisation.
Nuit de Cellophane: The spirit of Parisian haute couture its ethereal and dreamlike world is incarnated in this glimpse through a translucent cellophane veil in a night suffused with the cooling fragrance of mandarin and osmanthus.
Féminité du Bois: A confection of cedar wood inspired by the warm honeyed scents emanating from the covered stalls selling leatherwork in Morocco. This was Serge Lutens’ first unisex perfume the olfactory revolution of the 1990s.
L’orpheline: The mystique of frankincense; in L’orpheline the many shades of grey symbolise his break with the past and the stripping away of the layers of the fine dust which veil his memories.

If you like NARS, you can see that there are some really good offers across the brand – head HERE.

And if you’re a Laura Mercier fan – it’s half price HERE.

I mean, cake is cake, right? 24 boozy fruit cakes or chocolate truffle cakes – it’s an advent calendar but who cares?! It’s now £5 HERE and it was £39.95. It would be rude not to buy two or three to make the postage charge make sense. If you really wanted to ensure value for money on the postage, there’s a delicious looking box of Charbonnel & Walker chocolates for £8.75 HERE from £35. I’ll stop now… but if you like sherry…
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