[unpaid/affililate] Hmm, is it just me seeing some very lovely similarities between the Dior Book Bag and this brand new H&M Tote?

I know we are back at H&M again but they just keep making such great things! It’s not my fault! This tote is £24.99 HERE and also comes in a green stripe version. The Dior, for anyone interested is £2450.00.

And, this is hard to pass up at £17.99 HERE. It’s straw but they’ve put PARIS on it and now everyone wants it including me. Just add sunglasses and you’re practically on holiday. I’m thinking white (or black) linen shirt (H&M again!) and jeans or linen trousers. I absolutely love this look which is looks so cool and stylish on any age, shape or size but it’s greatly enhanced with accessories and that bag is just perfect for it.
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