This is an interesting product from Thai brand, Erb, and something I haven’t come across before – an underarm detox mask. I’m so anti the beauty market propaganda on having ‘beautiful’ armpits and making a ‘problem’ where there never really was one, but this is a little different because its more about deep cleansing. I think if you are, as most of us are, using deodorant every day then the underarm area is bound to get a little bit clogged up – I hadn’t even considered this before but I suppose its obvious – and I like the idea of deep cleanse.
The product itself actually smells a bit like toothpaste! It’s got guava leaf, tamarind and white clay and obviously, it’s quite an intrusive thing to use so best done pre-shower. It feels very fresh under the arms and while there is exfoliating action (from tamarind) for brightening, it’s far more useful for avoiding ingrowing hairs. Your pits definitely feel very fresh and soft afterwards.
It’s not a life essential, but I think it’s a good addition to general skin maintenance – and it’s all certified organic. It’s £17 HERE.
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