Every year (and I’ve just done it myself) features pop up about how dry skin gets in winter because of central heating, but in my view the main culprit for stripping skin of its moisture is cold and wind combined. It is the very worst of weather conditions for the complexion and unfortunately for us Brits, there is plenty of it! Another common adage that pops up is that going from hot to cold is also a moisture leach and over the past few days I’ve been trying to clock up how many times I’m doing exactly that. I’ve had a really, really busy week and while I always wonder who these people are that are constantly diving from hot to cold so much it affects their skin, when I concentrated on the issue, I found that it was me!
I’ve been trying to combine a bit of early Christmas shopping with meetings in central London and found that while it’s cold outside, the shops are absolutely boiling. Like, chuck off all your clothes boiling, so the difference in temperatures if you are shopping is huge and of course, if you are going from shop to shop and meeting to meeting, your skin is taking a battering, never mind your internal central heating! I can definitely say that a week of in and out has made my skin drier. So, I’m back onto the Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm with it’s almond and shea base and there is no doubt it helps put the softness back. I think it is pricey at £38 and I’ve no doubt that other balms can do the trick as well, but I keep on coming back to it because it does what it says on the tin, and extremely well, at that. It doubles as a mask (just leave it on for ten minutes), smells beautiful and has that all important ‘slip’ that makes you want to massage and massage. It’s HERE.
Interestingly, cleansing balms are still quite a new concept – it’s only a few years ago that cleansing balms sat on the apologetic shelves in the organic section before organic was even a thing, never mind balms. What did we do without them?
I’ve also just started trialling a new one month lifting set from Elemis – so far so spectacular but I will give it a few more days before I post.
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