[unpaid/purchase] I picked up this Dove Shower Mousse up at my local Superdrug recently mainly because of the nozzle. If you’re a packaging geek, you’ll understand, but if not, then leave me to my madness! It’s a formula that can be used for showering or shaving – or both at the same time.

Shower & Shave foams are relatively recent – and most of the brands I’ve tried are lovely, including the Dove Shower Mousse. There’s something very lush about these intensely soft floofs of foam that cover you head to foot in clouds until you wash off. This one is skin softening, has a light floral, coconut scent and I absolutely love it! However, what thinking is it that takes the most airy form that a beauty product can have and sends it though the nozzle in thin, rectangular ribbons!
Why would you do this? I’m telling you, without wanting to be judgemental, this is man-thinking! They’re thinking of the razor, not the foam and while you can create a ‘stripe’ with it that in theory fits nicely down the legs, it’s so nicely flumpy that it really doesn’t matter – one squirt would do a whole shin – probably a whole leg. I wanted a perfect puff not square edges to my bubbles. Just saying. You can find it at any high street store – Boots, Superdrug etc for £3.99.
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