Daily Mail Feature

So, today I had a little feature in the Daily Mail that used pictures of me wearing expensive make up and cheap make up.  Based around Makeup Revolution which regular readers will know I’ve been using and testing for a few weeks now, the feature focusses on the price disparity between budget and luxury brands and pretty much whether budget brands can ever perform as well as luxury ones. As you know, I totally rate the palettes from Makeup Revolution – Iconic 1 is my staple go-to at the moment.

Great as it is to be able to flag up my blog on the DM, Daily Mail commenters are notoriously an angry lot who will take aim at anyone and everyone for no particular reason. I’ve pulled out a few of the more choice comments but the main theme is that I’m smiling in one and not the other, and the photographs are taken by a photographer to be skewed in favour of the cheaper products and that generally I am far too old and ugly (!). So, luckily I have a place where I can put that right. I took those pictures myself in my dining room on Sunday – iPad selfies (you can even see my arm sticking up where I’m holding the iPad). The fact that I’m smiling in one and not the other is totally irrelevant – they just happened to be the best of the pictures. Obviously, it goes without saying that I wasn’t paid by the brand (I wasn’t paid by anyone come to that!).

So get ready to see what happens when you end up on the UK’s most read news site:

Brian, Bartleby, United Kingdom, 15 minutes ago

Yeah, and the smile etc. The thing is, she’s pretty old (though she might get it) and her hair looks terrible in both pictures. I’d like to see an honest attempt to achieve perfection with both sets of makeup on a more flawless face, and to know how the makeup survives during a night/meal out.

Bella, London, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago

Very misleading. A brighter light has been used on the cheaper make-up photo.


Willlis_Hide, Auckland, New Zealand, 6 minutes ago

She looks absolutely hideous in both images. I recommend she has a head transplant or a sex change to cure that.

Reply New

smartcookie, somerset, 2 hours ago

She will require a lot more than make up to turn the clock back – she looks like a heavy smoker and drinker!


Katy30, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago

It’s very clear that the lighting is better in the ‘cheap’ products photo, which gives those products the edge! Also this woman looks like she has been paid to market these brands. Not convincingly either!

ramsaysnow, dreadfort, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago

No matter what makeup she uses, she’s “over the hill” and isn’t fooling anyone

ramsaysnow, dreadfort, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago

Women who wear make-up are vain, shallow and dishonest. Without exception. If you resort to wearing body-forming underwear, you’re twice as bad. SHAME!


tom jones, london, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago

That face need surgery and a dark room


RM, Paris, France, 2 hours ago

Don’t know about makeup making any difference, but she looks a right hound in all the pictures.


Jaro, Northants, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago

Its a job to tell with that face, they could have chosen a pretty model.

emilymillson, rotherham, United Kingdom, moments ago

so with the expensive make up you have painted on bag under eyes made her look dull and shes not smiling on the cheap make up .. make up has been applied properly nice and shes smileing

To be fair, I had an idea of what was coming so none of this is shocking to me at all…I’ve often looked at the DM staff beauty writers or regular freelancers and wondered how they can put themselves through it. And indeed, why there is no moderating of comments. But, what is of most interest to me is how negatively people view older women. It’s no secret that I’m in my 40’s – it never has been – and I’m not interested in holding back time or looking younger than my years.

But, it’s yet another indication that the beauty industry needs to start championing more mature women so that beauty at any age is seen as ‘normal’ and not associated solely with youth. I’m not at all upset – I knew it was coming and wanted to make the point – I care more what my friends or my readers think than any of the commenters on the DM. And, I’ll go back to what I always say about commenters who are unkind – “happy people don’t do that”!



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97 responses to “Daily Mail Feature”

  1. Agree with everything you’ve said here – and have just remembered why I don’t read the Mail.

  2. Rebecca

    I love your blog. It’s always interesting. I am amazed at just how foul people can be. You are right though. Happy people don’t behave that way. Ignore them and carry on.

  3. Julie

    It’s extraordinary how narrow minded people are. I value your opinions on things so please keep up with your excellent blog.

  4. anita

    Oh my goodness. They really like to have a go at anyone anything! Don’t take these seriously, and sleep on it – you don’t deserve horrible words from strangers sat behind their miserable screens. xxx
    Anita @ AllThingsAnita

  5. It always boggles my mind that people have nothing better to do than try and bring others down! I thought it was great that you’re featured in the DM and you should be justifiably proud!


  6. Oh, good that you don’t take this “”””” close to your heart, let them steep in their own venom. And you’re absolutely right, beauty industry is not for very young girls only, and they’d better do more about it)) anyway, I’m sure thousands of people around the world love and value your blog , and we here in Russia too. Thank you

  7. Jo

    Haven’t seen the article, I’m afraid I wouldn’t touch the Daily Mail with a barge pole, but those comment examples show one of the sad sides of the internet, namely that too many people see it merely as a way to vent their worst prejudices and inflict their nasty opinions on others.
    Happily, it sounds like you’re not bothered by it all and maybe at least some people who hadn’t previously considered these issues might reflect on how horrible and inappropriate such personal attacks are…You were very brave to venture into the murky tabloid world out of a desire to fairly compare low and high end make-up, well done you 🙂
    Very best wishes, Jo

  8. Sarah

    What I don’t understand it how people can be so nasty. Those people must have a pretty awful outlook on life if that is what they are putting out into the world to represent themselves.

  9. Lesley

    Horrid people – sometimes the Daily Mail does great campaigning journalism and at other times it beggars belief. I saw the article and I really loved the look of the cheaper foundation on you it was very fresh and pretty.

  10. Some people are vile. You look lovely in both pictures and your blog is amazing 🙂 x

  11. hannah

    These comments are just foul, i am suprised they were not removed. I dont read the dailymail myself but it seems like the readers have nothing better to do than sit behind their computor critisize others.
    If they dont have something nice to say they should say nothing at all. just ignore them all jane, these are the sorts of people who do not deserve the brain-space it takes to think about them.

  12. j

    Some of the comments on that article are atrocious. I’d be much more interested in seeing a reprint on your blog but with better photographs perhaps to make a better comparison? I found it hard to make a decision as to which look was better because of the lighting differences, truth be told. You didn’t deserve the horrible comments from those idiots.

    1. Jane

      I think the thing is that it’s a blog, not a glossy site and I’ve tried to keep it that way so you will never get a glossy finish..it will always be a little home-made! So, what you’ve seen on DM is my photography at its best.. it’s something I didn’t consider when I started a blog – that I’d need to be an excellent photographer. I’m slowly trying to make improvements on that front but recognise that I’ll always have limits. To be honest, there was very little difference in the make up looks colourwise – I tried to pick very similar shades and textures.. the Makeup Rev. foundation didn’t suit my skin particularly..not enough coverage and quite oily.. but I think the fact you couldn’t really tell much difference is the pertinent point. Anyway, thank you so much for your comment – really appreciated :-))

  13. Josette

    God, there are some horrible people around. It doesn’t cost much to be polite and even less to keep quiet altogether! I love your blog and I love watching your YouTube videos. Even though I don’t know you personally, I trust you to always be balanced in your opinions and not say you love something just for the sake of it – that’s what makes your blog one of my very favourites. Thanks for all the hard work you do – keep it up!

  14. K

    “ramsaysnow, dreadfort, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago

    Women who wear make-up are vain, shallow and dishonest. Without exception. If you resort to wearing body-forming underwear, you’re twice as bad. SHAME!


    As a makeup artist, I find this disgusting to read. How dare they.. at the end of the day, it’s personal preference. Makeup doesn’t have to be so read into, it’s coloured powder and cream. Get over it!

    Oh and Jane, whether your age or whatever, in the pictures I’ve seen of you, you don’t look “over the hill” or whatever bullshit things they’re throwing at you. If it was me, I’d suggest they take the post down. but hey ho.

  15. To think people can be that blatantly hateful, hurtful and mean is disgraceful! No doubt a lot of work and prep went into your post for the Daily Mail, which is really informative. Sadly, 10 negative comments will always out weigh and stick in your mind than 100 positive comments. Your blog is amazing, keep up the great work 🙂

  16. Jessie

    I have not seen the pictures but I love your blog and especially the fact that you are ‘real and true to yourself and unflinchingly honest. I normally would not comment but am furious people would attack you personally and really hope you lose no sleep over such bullies.

  17. Emma

    The Daily Mail is a vile paper Jane, you’re better than that.

  18. Jane

    Honestly thank you so much for all your lovely and supportive comments! I’m genuinely not upset by the DM comments..they were totally expected and if you look across the site nobody gets any positivity. I really wanted to highlight what happens when you put yourself out there. Luckily, on the blog, which is the only audience I care about, people are generally very supportive – as just proved – and your comments have a lot of meaning for me, whereas the DM comments have no meaning at all.

  19. Juice

    Vile people! Ignore them all! X

  20. Christina

    Oh my goodness. Those comments on DM are really uncalled for. It’s about the makeup, not the model, and it should be fun and enjoyable. Beauty is for everyone, regardless of the person’s background.

    I am one of your “young” readers, and I love your blog. The fact that you don’t have a face of a 15 year old never bothered me! It’s your opinion and pictures that count!

  21. Avra

    Oh my gosh. Those comments by the “haters” are just disgusting. I am a huge Canadian fan Jane and I admire that you would put yourself through the mire. Your opinions are always honest and unencumbered by “sponsors”. You have one of the best blogs on the internet for true makeup lovers. Keep up the great work!

  22. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from DM readers, and I admire you for being so tough-skinned. They’re all so brave hiding behind their computer screens (often using just two letters as their usernames). I thought the post was really informative and the make-up looked great. I love what you said about happy people too. I’m particularly disappointed that so many women said such negative things. What happened to the sisterhood?! It was a brave thing putting photos onto the DM website. Well done 🙂

  23. Kelly

    Absolutely vile comments from what I assume is grown adults. All I can say is how miserable must their lives be? I would ignore them and be happy I am not them.

  24. Emma

    I can’t believe how nasty people can be sometimes! I found your blog from the DM article and I’m so glad I did 🙂

  25. Horrid readers and no one actually intrested on the piece just say anything they can away with on the internet , dm gave a girlcalledjack simmilar abuse few months back , guess they can’t deal with reality just want airbrushed rubbish instead

  26. LisaWordbird

    Good lord, what rude and unpleasant people those Daily Mail readers are!
    Very good to hear that you are happy to let the rubbish slide off and not stick to you.
    One can only wonder what they look like…

  27. Renku

    I am a long term admirer of your honesty and integrity, and beauty is not defined by age I wholly agree with everything you have said here and hope that you can look upon such negativity as sheer narrow mindedness!
    Your readers respect your work and the honesty and integrity with which you do it and you are actually beautiful and are not “over the hill” – my mother is well into her fifties and she enjoys make up and beauty products from everything to the opi liquid sands to erbrorian BB crème – but I believe too that the beauty industry should focus on beauty at any age, because regardless of age there is beauty in everything and beauty is for everyone.


  28. Emma

    Oh my gosh how rude! It amazes me that people seem to think it’s somehow more acceptable to be rude online-bet most of them wouldn’t say those things to an actual person! I love your blog and found that article really interesting (I came across a link to it online earlier today). It made a very valid point about the mark up on beauty products and I thought you looked great 🙂 Ignore all those vile people!x

  29. mysteries1984

    I have to say I’m surprised you would appear in it. The Daily Mail is a horrific rag and posts a ridiculous amount of contemptuous swill. Sometimes the articles are no better than the comments. Any newspaper that allows a disgusting creature like Richard Littlejohn, for starters, to voice his homophobic and wholly irrational views will never get my vote.

    1. Jane

      To be fair, I thought it would just go quietly into the Female section..wasn’t quite expecting front page. The thing is, as I said in the feature, cheaper brands aren’t the poor relation to premium brands any more – there are some stellar products that don’t cost a fortune and I wanted people to know that. Beauty is very budget dependent and I’m genuinely pleased to see a budget range performing well and being accessible to many more.

  30. Oh my god, that’s so violent and unfair! I love your blog because it is honnest, and sincere and you are not afraid of putting touchy subjects on the table! And yes, I can see here that the idea of beauty for “mature” woman is a touchy one! It’s a shame, really! Why women have always to be or pretend to be young to talk about beauty products? That is just unrealistic!

  31. Caroline

    I love the Daily Rant – a its so silly, but thankful for introducing me to you – and now a follower of you. BW x

  32. eve

    this kind of poisonous commentary just re-enforces what I have found to be the prevailing mood against women over the age of 40. It seems when you hit this magic number, you are no longer supposed to express any interest in fashion, beauty or “looking well.” Overnight you seem to turn into an invisible person. Very sad, and disheartening. Our age group has so much to offer(and so much money to spend!!) You are such a brave person to put yourself in the firing line of the DM pond life. I know I couldn’t do it!!!

  33. Totally agree with you on this. I enjoy your reviews so keep up the good work. Another reason why I don’t read the Daily Mail!

  34. Christ on a vitriolic bike, they’re some woeful specimens of humanity. There is a reason I don’t read the Mail, trolls shouldn’t be audible from under their bridges and misogynistic rags like this only echo their hate far and wide.

    There’s also a reason that I have followed, not only your site but your advice for as long as I’ve been in this game, Jane and that’s because you are one of the most level headed, knowledgeable people in the business right now.

    I know it can take a very thick skin to read poison like that but truthfully, if you ever need a dig out, my slapping hand is always itchy xx

  35. Nicola

    I love the fact that you are in your 40s (like me), love make up (like me) and share your honest opinions. Us older women need a champion xx

  36. I am in my mid twenties and I just don’t get the whole idea of being obsessed with age and wrinkles and stuff! I mean it’s great being young but I am not gonna be twenty something for ever! In a few years time I would like to know how to dress and to wear makeup when I am in my thirties forties etc and besides that who cares! I love you blog and admire you for doing what you love and the age doesn’t matter. Real life is not perfect and all the pictures don’t have to be perfect. If I want to look at beautifully made and photoshoped photos I just get a copy of Vogue. Honestly some people just need to get a grip. Love, A.

  37. Lucy

    Wow, the fact that people can be so down right nasty never fails to surprise me. So sorry you had to read such cruel false comments x

  38. Steph

    You are more than likely a lot younger and a look better looking than most of these commenters mothers and i doubt they would walk in and tell their mother they were old and ugly! Some people take freedom of speech to a whole new level. Im glad you are taking it with a pinch if salt though, clearly these people theive of negativity!

  39. Chrissie Waddington

    Glad you did the article.
    Teenagers can look fab in any make up. The rest of us have crows feet, dry skin patches, dark circles, etc and so having someone who is not fresh out of school talk about products means we can relate to you.
    You looked lovely in the piece Jane, in both pictures, I guess some DM readers have a little complex at being over 25 and can’t handle anyone else looking even vaguely happy about it.

  40. Funny how it’s (seemingly) men commenting the nastiest things! Anyone with enough free time to leave such silly comments on The Daily Mail of all places clearly has no life! No doubt lacking female attention at home as well.

    Interesting read – it’s quite funny getting my older family members round to the idea that cheaper makeup can actually be good, often better than more expensive counterparts!

  41. Mitzi

    We’ll this really is the pits. Just awful. I wonder what all of these people look like themselves.

  42. Nicki

    Just had to say something – I read the article and thought you looked beautiful in both photos! I would never agree to be photographed for a newspaper with or without the thought of internet trolls ready to make nasty comments from behind their computer screens – you were very brave to do so. And shame on the DM for not moderating their comments pages. Amazing how the negative comments are from men… don’t they have anything better to do than write rude things on a makeup article!

  43. Sarah

    It did make me think of that UN report on sexism in the UK that’s been reported today. The fact that it’s ok to pass comments like that (whether to a man or to a woman) is deemed as ok is not acceptable to me. That paper is an embarassment.

  44. Liz

    I really enjoy reading your blog, it is well written and informative, your age and what you look like is completely irrelevant. Please don’t take the views of some DM readers to heart, I often wonder how drab their lives must be to have the spare time to spend slagging off others.

  45. Alison Windsor

    People are so vile. I think you look lovely in both photos 🙂 x


    x x x

  46. Sam P

    There’s a reason why the Daily Mail is often dubbed the Daily Fail, and I suspect it’s got a lot to do with its readership/commenters. Clearly a very insecure lot with far too much time on their hands! You do have to wonder if any of them would make the same comments in person, which I sincerely doubt. It’s very easy to be a hideous human being when you’re sitting anonymously behind a keyboard.
    Personally I think as long as you’re happy and feel good in your own skin – no matter how old that skin is or what makeup you put on it – that’s all that matters. Shame on those who don’t appreciate that.

  47. There are so many haters on the DM articles all of the time. I seriously can’t get my head around people being so vile and rude. It’s great that you can see beyond the comments and recognise that happy people don’t judge and make comments such as those.

    I love your work and think you look fabulous. It’s great to have a blogger flying the flag for the thirties plus women. There are so many young bloggers and vloggers that it could be easy to feel ‘old’ but being comfortable with who you are and looking the best we can without trying to look years younger is a great and ‘real’ attitude. Keep up your fab and inspirational work!

  48. Jenny

    You look beautiful and I love your blog xo.

  49. R

    Oh, those comments are truly unpleasant. But as awful as the below-the-line comments are on the DM, they’re truly depressing on the Telegraph; it’s the misanthropist’s and misogynist’s playground. But you’re right, happy people don’t do that.

  50. Federica

    Jane you are such a pretty lady, and very intelligent so that you know that those comments are just garbage from people who clearly have nothing better to do in life that ease their frustration by being mean to everyone and everything!!!! I looooooove your blog so much!!!!

  51. Charlie

    I know you will have gone into this fully prepared but it’s really upset me today. I’ve almost literally been thinking of you in the back of my mind ALL DAY. I read the comments all the time on all sorts of articles and roll my eyes at them, but when it’s someone you know, someone lovely you know, that is the recipient of it it’s incredibly upsetting. It has taken a lot of strength to NOT comment myself telling them all exactly what I think and with a big defensive rant…but I’ve read enough comments on the Daily Mail to know it would make no difference whatsoever. I do hope you are okay, I think you are fabulous and you can’t get a head transplant. The Scuba mask might not fit your new head! Much love x

  52. Minty

    Wish I’d known that you were in the DM – I would have bought a copy.

    My personal favourite comment is :-

    “Women who wear make-up are vain, shallow and dishonest. Without exception. If you resort to wearing body-forming underwear, you’re twice as bad. SHAME!”

    Classic DM comment there. The level of person we are talking about

  53. Mocha

    Bullies sitting behind their computer screens and voicing their own insecurities. DM is one of the most vile and ignorant newspapers, no wonder they host the same type of comments. Loved the article, love your blogging style and your blog! As to DM comments, well I wouldn’t give a f@@@!

  54. jenny

    I am so, so sorry that you have had to read this absolutely horrid and hurtful comments. I think you look fab on both pictures. I too would question the newspaper concerned but then they survive by publishing ‘they are all coming here’ or ‘they are all stealing from the system’ type of stories. The readers are perhaps not intelligent enough to understand the point of the article? I am really disgusted and shocked at what has happened here.
    Jenny @ jennysbeautypages

  55. Dominique

    You look good even if you are in your 40 ´ s ( I am 46 by the way ), and you are very classy. I love your blog ! People who post that kind of ….. are just stupid and nasty. Mean really. So just ignore them.

  56. Omg. I know you said you had prepared yourself for such comments, but you really shouldn’t have had to. This is completely disgraceful behaviour and I’m so sorry you’ve been the subject of such hideous statements!!!
    Rebecca x

  57. Zoe

    I left a nice comment to defend you,. Why do people have to be so unpleasant! Makes me mad

  58. sue

    Although they must be hurtful to read, please ignore them. They are the scum of the earth on all the main newspaper sites, hiding behind anonymity and who are probably all 40+ year old virgins who still live at home with Mummy.

    Keep fighting the good fight!

  59. I couldn’t be arsed to read the comments, it doesn’t take much to imagine what they would be like. The interesting thing though was your convo on Twitter after with Manface & co, about the Chanel imperfect makeup (OMG) etc. That would have made a much more interesting article! PS, you looked lovely in the pic, especially your hair, ‘unbrushed fringe’ included!

  60. Lauren

    Jane, I read your blog on a daily basis and I whole-heartedly appreciate your honest opinions on all things beauty. I think its important that we have someone showing us what makeup looks like when it hasn’t been applied by a professional MUA, without professional lighting and without photoshop – afterall, when we wear the makeup that we’ve gone out and bought, we have none of these to make us look extra-glam in real life, so why should we set ourselves up for a fail by having unrealistic expectations of what the makeup will do! I think this is what your blog brings – we get a knowledgeable, honest critique of various products alongside ‘homemade’ photos/swatches, basically we get a realistic view of what the makeup is like for normal use, not what the makeup is like for a cover shoot or the red carpet.

    I don’t ever comment but after reading some of the vile messages left by readers of the Daily Mail, I wanted to show my support to you and add another voice to the crowd to let you know we appreciate your work! Its disappointing to see your efforts being ridiculed by those who have nothing better to do with their time but I’m glad to hear you haven’t been discouraged by the rude commenters. I just want to say a big THANKYOU for keeping me up to date with all the beauty news!

  61. Mia

    People tend to get very rash/aggressive/crazy when behind the screen of a laptop/mobile/tablet but in person they would probably not even stand for the “kinder” type of comments. Also a huge amount of young people today have no idea how real actual humans look; it’s all been airbrushed, photoshopped and plastic surgeried to fit into a mold of what they think of is “average looks”. It’s sad they lack grown-ups in their lives because surely if they had them they’d know that ageing is part of life… Hold your head high, for you know better; you are beautiful and strong and noone has the right to tell you you’re not.

  62. Therese

    Wow, the level of ignorance and judgement from the commentators is staggering! Women are ‘fools’ if they spend more than x amount on makeup etc! Must be great to have little else to do except hide behind your PC and cast judgement on everyone else. A little ‘live and let live’ would go a long way…

  63. Their remarks about you are disgusting and it makes me so mad that people are so chuffing shallow – I know you don’t need people being angry on your behalf, but I am so there ya go.

    It also bothers me that people are judging the brand based on their presumptions about the photos! They assume that because you’re smiling in the makeup revolution one and the light looks brighter that you are trying to make the brand look better, thus suggesting that they Need to make the brand look better.

    It’s very sad that we live in a society where people can’t just read a piece and go ‘Oh cool, a new brand that can make a really decent look for a fraction of the price. Ooh and they’ve used a really knowledgeable, lady who looks fantastic in both photos to prove the point, rather than just slapping makeup on some random person and not having any personality involved whatsoever’

    Ah well – You already know all of this but I see no harm in putting it all out there again xx

  64. Donna

    The DM hate women, they are too fat, ugly, old, young, thin, beautiful. Hell they are just women and everything bad that has happened throughout history is our fault.

    When really the DM are scum

  65. I never read the daily mail. Can’t believe these sorts of comments aren’t moderated better. Ignore them, you’re one of the best bloggers I know, keep up the great work!

  66. That was incredibly brave of you! The DM is renowned for this kind of vitriol. It’s true that older women like us do tend to get looked down on in the beauty industry. When I front my brand, people look rather astonished to find an “older lady” involved in the fake tanning business!! Onwards and upwards Jane, take no notice, you do a fabulous job and yours is one of the few beauty blogs I ever regularly read as you cover everything in detail. Good on you!

  67. ams

    Trolls nothing better to do than try make others feel bad……if you were “young” and” pretty”no doubt they’d be bitter towards that too, beauty isn’t age related it comes from within something these people are clearly lacking.

  68. Sasha

    Can I just say that your blog is what gets me up in the morning! Always interesting and informative. I thought you were brave doing this article! The comments section there is just VILE! I read it too and was shocked at how ageist people were. I’m in my 40’s…so clearly should put my head in a paper bag and never go out! I think you’re amazing Jane and its thanks to you I know about Makeup Revolution – which I think is FAB!

  69. Unfortunately those comments are a testament to the ignorant society that we share this beautiful world with. Lack of education and belief in superficial beauty as being The Way has blinded so many minds. I’m not surprised with those undeserved comments. Ignorance is bliss for some…

  70. I’m so enraged by this – I hate the DM and everything they stand for – I genuinely think the editors and the readers hate women. You should not have to face such offensive comments and I respect you all the more for reposting them. Yes the people who wrote such things should be ashamed, but not as much as the Moderators who allowed one of their contributors to be spoken about like that. For what it’s worth, I’m looking forward to trying the Makeup Revolution products after reading your review.


  71. Wow. Those haters are obviously all young, fresh faced bitter monsters. Give it 10 years and they’ll be googling this article to see which products worked best now they are on a “grown up” budget and not an inflated, “I live with my mummy and spend all of my pennies on clothes and make up” one.

  72. Kay

    What a bunch of jerks. Not just the beauty industry where one gets crazy comments. I’m a prof who gets anonymous evaluations at term’s end. Things like “I wanted to stab myself in the eye.” Or worse. Sometimes one gets a good laugh though! I love your blog, and it’s incredibly fair and informed. Love your smile and enthusiasm for nail polish.

  73. Sally-Ann

    How one Hunan being has the right to judge another when they’ve never met is beyond me. Well done for being able to ignore these shallow morons. When I turned 40, I too felt like I disappeared. Well no more! These comments have spurred me on to make myself visible again. Your blog is fabulous jane, I love your balanced & honest reviews, it’s what the beauty industry needs. Thank you.

  74. Keep writing Jane as we love the fact that you are a ‘slightly older’ woman – a demographic that we champion on our site. Plus your reviews cover a broad spectrum of cosmetics with no favouritism to to the more established expensive brands. I think you are very brave to put yourself out there especially in the Daily Mail. The internet has made it very easy for people to be abusive, I would like to see what they would be like if they met you. My motto is “if you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all” particularly on a personal level.

  75. Marta

    I never write comments but I had to after reading this. Jane, I love your blog. One of the many reasons I love it is because you are not in your 20s. I think you make a lot of the reviews more relevant to normal women, like me. Oh wait, it means I need a face surgery and a dark room 😉

  76. Dolly

    I LOVE your blog!! It’s easy for us commenting to just say ‘ignore them’ but the people posting the foul vicious comments on the Mail’s website clearly have issues!! Fact is, you look incredible in all of the images you posted on the Mail’s website.
    I literally devour your BBB posts so please keep doing what you’re doing; there are a lot of people out here in blog-land that love it! x

  77. What horrible people, I don’t understand how people can be so nasty to someone they’ve never even met. I’m glad you say you aren’t bothered by the comments though.

    I don’t get the idea that beauty products are only for young people, why would anyone suddenly lose their interest in beauty and makeup because they were no longer considered ‘young’.

  78. This is absolutely disgusting. I honestly wonder what is wrong with some people who don’t seem to have anything better to do than what is effectively trolling all day long on the Daily Mail site. Kudos to you, Jane, for going ahead with the feature even though you knew what was coming. At least you still have all the readers on your blog who know that you’re doing a brilliant job at giving honest and fair reviews. Some people should be ashamed.

  79. Valerie

    Well as a woman in her 50’s I of course can’t understand why others cannot see that we (older hags!) are still very much in the frame when it comes to the whole beauty thing. It is interesting also as another of your followers has noticed that the nastiest comments seem to come from men. Wonder why they hate us so much? It is actually quite unsettling that a photo of a non model, non teenager, set of photos can produce such vitriol.

  80. bridget burnett

    Very rarely comment but those “nasty” judgements on you and your beauty are downright hideous. I admire you, Jane for your bravery and stoicism in your reaction to these trolls. Beauty always shines from within so no doubt there are a lot of “ugly” DM readers out there.
    I do feel the DM should be more responsible about the nature of the comments and start moderating the nasties. Sadly, people less emotionally strong than you could be deeply affected if exposed to such vitriol.

  81. Chris

    Totally disgusted by all the comments . Read your blog religiously and love everything you write . Actually bought two Makeup Revolution palettes, following your blog, and they do exactly as you said. I’m 65 and have worn makeup since my early teens and have no intention of stopping any time soon. Carry on the great work.

  82. Those commentors are a teeny weeny tiny speck of dust warped minority of the readers of the world’s most read newspaper site. If you look at articles featuring teenage females they get the same vile comments. Even when you know it’s basically sad pathetic prats writing the comments who wouldn’t say boo to a goose in real life it must still be hard to read. Well done and hurrah for fab fair impartial opinions.

  83. Grlnxdor

    I’m appalled by all of those comments. If they could truly show you no mercy, I can’t imagine what they would say about my 53 yr old face. Keep rockin’ Jane, I love reading what you have to say!

  84. Ramsaynow is clearly a very angry person. Seems to be serial vile commenter on DM! I’m disgusted by the fact they that people wearing makeup are dishonest, it’s must be a tough life holding onto that much bad energy! I actually think using ‘models’ in different age categories can prove how much better a product is and what it can do! Everyone can look goof if they have ‘perfect’ skin, the perfect eye shape and brow shape!
    Good for you! xx

  85. Caroline

    The Daily Mail is a terrible, terrible newspaper – Jane please don’t bother working with them in future (particularly as you didn’t get paid!), work more with media that actually likes women! Like Never Underdressed.
    I would never read the DM and I very rarely read any comments for this very reason – I just can’t be bothered to be exposed to this sort of negativity and hate.
    And I think the DM’s failure to protect you (or any of its contributors) by not moderating such comments is egregious behaviour – but what can you expect. It’s all about the clicks, let’s just chuck morality out of the window as long as we get CLICKS.


  86. Rachel

    You gotta laugh Jane! Well done you for not taking any notice. Perhaps more people should note the sage piece of advice that my Mum taught me that if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing! Nasty, bitter people and as for those who say they want a younger model – I DON’T thanks. Why should everything be aimed at those of us under 40?!
    I thought it was a great article and, as always, you look lovely and your twinkly eyes always look smiley 🙂 Rachel

  87. Ugh. I can’t even believe people have NO class or manners and write such things. I’m sorry Jane. You are really tough to be able to take it all in stride and laugh about it. I would be balled up in a corner crying lol.
    I admire your writing and your blog, and you are beautiful!

  88. Agnes

    Gosh, people are so mean! Jane, you look stunning! I’m in my thirties but wish I had a skin like you. People have unrealistic expectations about how people should look like in their 40ies. I’m blaming the media and the beauty industry.

  89. Jan King

    You are beautiful Jane , it does not surprise me that people can write this crap ….they are cold hearted people with no brains or common sense ..I am 55 and love my skincare and makeup …they would really hate me x

  90. I’m so pleased that you haven’t been dragged down by the comments of un-important people Jane.

    Of course you are beautiful, but more importantly, you are someone women and girls can look up to as a role model for being so much more than the media’s ideal of beauty.
    You are someone who has worked really hard and as a result of that, have become successful. That’s something that should be celebrated!

  91. N.

    I agree that happy people don’t do that. There is something wrong with them emotionally and/or physically that they feel insecure about or they feel bad about themselves in some way and trying to put other people down gives them a twisted ego boost. Or they are just plain evil.
    P.S.-I think you and your blog are wonderful!

  92. Andrea

    I just can’t believe how incredibly rude and ignorant people can be, especially about somebody they have never met. What gives anybody the right to comment on who should or shouldn’t write about beauty. Not to mention how they can think that makeup is only relevant to “young” people. I am also in my 40’s and have recently retrained as a makeup artist & to be honest I love makeup so much that I hope I will never stop boosting my confidence & feeling better about myself with a slick of lippy whatever age I get to! These comments and the people who have left them are the perfect example of discrimination and sad wasteful lives in which they can only feel content by being cruel to others. I read blogs from women of all ages, sizes and colour and the opinions of women in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and above are just as relevant (and on some products even more so) as those in their teens, 20’s and 30’s. Keep up the good work!

  93. My god, sexists, ageist, and rude what a lovely bunch people. Take no notice Jane your fab xxx

  94. Dear oh dear what an unhappy bunch of readers the DM has…but we knew that. It’s also late nights working that ages us + stress, nothing to do with smoking or drinking. We do the best we can and make-up is a way to have fun, which we don’t have much of on a daily basis with work etc. If you haven’t tried Su-man’s facials in North London, do, I went yesterday, she’s amazing. It’s nothing like facials I’ve had before in France or here.

  95. Julia

    WOW. People are dicks. YOU ARE AWESOME.

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