Coloured Beauty Spots – New Trends

Okay, so proving straight away that there is no such thing as a new trend with this archive image from Johnson & Johnson who used to sell them by the hundred, beauty spots are coming back and then some. We’re going to see them coloured (neons and metallics as well as black), shaped (birds, butterflies) and textured, from shimmer to matte. Think nail art migrating to your face. 

Another forthcoming trend is Grey Washing.. nothing to do with 50 Shades, but giving your hair, or parts of your hair grey tones. And, look out for Gold Liner; the art of using gold khol on the top lip line and blending it down into your lip colour. I’m telling you, this works with every single shade of lipstick and looks absolutely stunning. If you see gold khol or gold lip-liner, snap it up before the trend emerges.

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7 responses to “Coloured Beauty Spots – New Trends”

  1. ED aka Trimperley

    Word in your ear BBB
    Watch the new Givenchy ad here at top left should say Watch the new Guerlain AD here

  2. Charlie

    I can’t see me ever going for beauty spots tbh, but I was only today reminiscing about seeing 3/4 length sleeves in topshop many years ago and declaring no one would ever wear such weird length sleeves. What do I know?!

    I am interested in the Grey Washing thing though… very. I’m going to google images.

  3. Jo

    Oooo beauty marks like Marina and the Diamonds heart shaped one 😀
    Wasn’t grey in a few years ago? I think it’s pretty hard to pull off, much harder than coloured dip dye!

  4. Lucy – Beauty and the Blogger

    Greywashing sounds interesting but the beauty spots is a no from me…I have enough real ones :-/

  5. Joanna

    Not in agreement about the gold lipliner, but gold hints on lips is definitely one of my favourite things right now. The Maxfactor flipstick with the gold end is my favourite product, even though I don’t like the red/coral you’re meant to use the gold with.

  6. helen

    Beauty spots? It all seems a bit French 17th Century doesn’t it? Each to their own though.

    I’ve seen a couple of greywashing efforts about the town where I live and I think that they look lovely if they’re done by a stylist. They seem to suit blondes and their skintones more than those of us with darker hair. I don’t think they’re going to be something for the DIY kits!

    I like the idea of gold kohl though. I have one already and never thought I would ever use it. And gold on the lips would look really lovely! Ooh google here I come for inspiration!

  7. hmmm I have a gold khol – an urban decay one – I’ll definitely try it on my lips! Thanks for the idea!!!

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