I first discovered this genius little product on Victoria Health last year – it’s subsequently had a repackage, and is a little more bold in its claims, but it’s certainly very good indeed at speeding up healing. It outstrips any of the better known cold sore products – and I’ve used most of them – in terms of relieving pain and hurrying the thing up to go away. This particular one is indicated for lips but I get them in that space between the nose and the lip and it works just as well there.
It’s been a while (thankfully) since I’ve had a cold sore, but my son gets them and Lysine Cold Sore Treatment, £6.95 HERE, often can catch it at tingle stage and prevent it completely. We also both use the Boots Avert Cold Sore Machine (and have done since its previous incarnation as the Viralite machine) that uses a particular bandwidth of light to also make cold sores submit and either not appear at all or disappear in double quick time. The Boots Cold Sore machine is £35.99 HERE and well worth trying if cold sores make your life a misery.
People often don’t realise just how unwell a cold sore can make you feel.. often it’s like a pre-flu feeling and along with the fact that personally, I practically cancel everything if I have a cold sore because I’m so self-conscious, they’re really unpleasant. So, anything that can possibly prevent or speed up healing is a major benefit. I know its not really beauty related but I feel so strongly about both these products for being SO much better than any commonly used treatments that I can’t not say it!
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