I’ll put my hands up and say I love Clinique Quickliners – they’re probably the softest liners in the world and they pretty much don’t budge once they’re on. Above is the new Intense shade line-up for August and as you’d expect they’re all very wearable. In fact, later in the year Clinique is heading for a nude inspired line-up (watch out Bobbi B) which is beautiful and all of these will compliment or rev up a nude look.

As you can see, they do maintain a bit of a sheen which is very pretty and as far as Intense in the name, they’re living up to that, no problem. From top to bottom: Intense Amethyst, Intense Clove, Intense Sable, Intense Peacock, Intense Truffle, Intense Cobalt and Intense Peridot. They’ll cost £14.50 each and promise 12 hour last.
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