I’m doing a little flag wave for the ordinary, no frills body moisturisers out there – post holiday, I find I always need a little hydration top up particularly on legs (shins) and I’ve been using Cetaphil Body Mousse. Cetaphil is for sensitive skin, which mine isn’t particularly but nonetheless, the mousse seems to strike a good balance between a body milk and a body balm in terms of hydration.
I know the mousse is just a novelty aspect, but I like it, and the end result is very silky feeling skin. I think beauty world can sometimes get rather unrealistic in its insistence that you have to pay a fortune for a body moisturiser for it to be of any worth, but it’s one of the areas in which high street or more budget conscious brands do extremely well, and a good place to shave off £££ in your routine.
I use Cetaphil cleanser on and off as well – it’s great for taking off the swatches of make up all over my arms as well as removing any off my face; it’s an unexpected blogging expense – you need so much cleanser! Believe it or not, it’s my inner arms that need a sensitive skin cleanser because they do react to constant cleansing and dryness.
You can find Cetaphil Body Mousse HERE for £13.99.
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