[affiliate/ad] It’s only because I’ve seen recent TV ads for CeraVe that I know how to say it – in my head (because I am not sure I’ve ever said it out loud) it’s always been Cera-Vay, rather than Cera-Vee, and much like the word ‘micellar’ which is said on UK TV as mYcellar instead of mEEcellar, I bet they don’t say CeraVee in France. If you know differently, please do tell!

Being pedantic aside, this is a lovely product. I don’t get send outs from CeraVe so I bought this in Boots but I love micellars and was really curious about it. In my head, CeraVe sits in the same sort of camp as Bioderma and I have a lot of time for their micellars. It’s not a disappointment – it’s effective, non-drying, non-irritating and super easy to use. In fact, it’s excellent. CeraVe, as the name implies, uses ceramides as their USP – in this case, three (1, 3, 6-II) that ensure your skin doesn’t become dry as well as niacinamide. I’m not really a big fan of making claims on products that are on your skin so briefly so I suspect the niacinamide is a ‘marketing dose’ but nonetheless, this formula whipped off my make up so easily, including mascara, it’s a new favourite.
I tend to use micellars more in the summer months and balms or oils in the winter but I always keep a bottle of micellar and some cotton wool or cotton pads downstairs for those ‘TV cleanse’ nights where you just can’t be bothered to do the whole routine before bed but want a quick clean before bed. When I did Caroline Barnes’s Beauty Expert day for the NHS in lockdown, one of the main issues the women I spoke to had was that they didn’t have the energy left for the ‘full works’ cleanse. But when did cleansing become so onerous and also so guilt-inducing? In my view, unless you have some kind of industrial job, you don’t need to do a lengthy double cleanse with expensive oils and balms and I’d even say that if you forget to any kind of cleansing at all from time to time, the world won’t end. If a quick swipe around with a decent micellar in front of the TV is what you can do, then it’s good enough and you are not committing crimes against skin that you need to feel guilty about. Save the balms for when you have more energy and more time to really enjoy them – and keep a little bottle of micellar near the sofa :-). CeraVe Micellar Cleansing Water is £10 HERE (on a 3 for 2 offer in case there is anything else you want to try).
Non-affiliate HERE.
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