Carrot Sun Tan Accelerator

Carrot Sun
Carrot Sun

I’m always very nervous to recommend a tan accelerator so I’ll start out by saying that this has no SPF and must be used with SPF over the top.

Carrot Sun Sample
Carrot Sun Sample

I’ve now got a few samples of cult-product, Carrot Sun, and they’re unlike anything I’ve come across before. The jellies work by using L-Tyrosine and carotenoids to encourage tanning, but also contain fatty acids, anti-oxidants and fruit and nut oils. They smell amazing.. particularly the Tropical Fruit one. The texture is more of a balm consistency than anything. It’s the first time that Carrot Sun has been available easily in the UK and you can find it HERE.

Its totally up to you whether you like to tan or not – Carrot Sun mentions that it will also work with sunbeds but I can’t advise you more strongly not to go anywhere near a sunbed. It also indicates against use if you are gluten intolerant. And don’t forget SPF!

PS: Adding this in a bit later on in the day after using it… its quite ‘heavy’ feeling once its on but I have to say, it works. This afternoon’s little two hours in the sun (with SPF) and my arms are definitely tanned. I do tan quickly and easily but even for me there is a noticable difference in the time it takes using Carrot Sun. Fast.


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6 responses to “Carrot Sun Tan Accelerator”

  1. Interesting I’ve seen this in Cyprus – strange as to why it isn’t suitable for people with gluten allergies normally only applies if you actually eat a product ? unless their just being super safe?

    1. Sam

      Wheat germ oil can contain very small traces of gluten, and even though it wouldn’t be ingested and would only be applied to the skin, this may still cause gluten intolerant individuals to have an allergic reaction. It all depends on how sensitive a person is to gluten, it may not cause any reaction at all, so I suppose a skin patch test would answer that question pretty quickly! 🙂

  2. Needless to say as a pasty fairheaded girly, I am always on the look out for a safe way to get more colour and the coconut one looks delicious and at £14.00, I’d say it was a done deal.

    Sherry x

    Sherry Darling’s Things

  3. Laura Pearson-Smith

    Love that you are taking sun protection so seriously and being responsible. Unfortunately I never tan, so it’s the fake stuff in a bottle for me! xx Laura from Twinkle Style & Travel Magazine and A Life With Frills

  4. Louise @

    Really need this in my life! I like the fact I can wear it with SPF, so I can choose my level of protection. SPF30 for me, with this worn underneath. Coconut does sound amazing!

  5. Hilary

    Am wearing a dress on Sunday and my legs are white – this product sounds wonderful and cannot wait to buy but please, need a foolproof for beginners light fake tan I can put on my legs – any suggestion?
    How I love this beauty blog!

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