Bye Bye Le Metier De Beaute

I’m so sad that Le Metier is pulling out of the UK: Echo Blush is one of my all-time favourites and became one of my staple gifts for girlfriends – now I need to find the next holy grail blush to replace it. Although other bloggers have spoken to the counter staff at Selfridges who cite distribution problems as their reason for heading back to the US, it can in truth only be that they weren’t earning their keep on the cattlemarket Selfridges beauty floor. It was always a big ask to move from the cosiness of Liberty to the vast wilderness of Selfridges, but it’s a very great shame, nonetheless. So, if you have any last minute Le Metier items you want to stock up on, I’d suggest you do it now.

One of my favourite beauty items ever was the limited edition Le Metier/Roopal Patel palette (above) from 2009. I have it still, in pristine condition, as a benchmark of how beauty can really be done well.

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9 responses to “Bye Bye Le Metier De Beaute”

  1. Charlie

    And the real truth as to why I couldn’t get Splendid Frost, a palette I was so desperate for. Disappointing 🙁

  2. This is such a huge shame and I had really hoped that it wasn’t true. I only discovered Le Metier in September last year and it has fast become one of my favourite brands. Do you know when the counter is actually closing? I might plan a trip to London to get some last minute items before resigning myself to buying from America and the P&P + customs charges that will be involved!

  3. Oh no, so sad! Such a shame to see a wonderful beauty brand vanish off UK shelves. I feel a very expensive spend coming up for my bank account.

  4. Oh, that’s too bad for all the LMDB fans in the UK. So now they are only available in the US? I would have loved it if LMDB were available in a European online webstore so that more people could get access to the brand.

  5. Anonymous

    Hi BBB, yes it’s a real shame. I’m devasted!I’ve been trying to score the Echo blush since December and they’ve been out of stock since. I shall treasure all my LMDB products from now ( I love the eyeshadows, liquid liner and lip cremes). They have a counter in Paris in Printemps. Wonder if they will stop it as well.

    Karen x

  6. poseylass

    Hello BBB,

    Do you have any idea when they will pull out from Selfridges at all?
    I love LMdB though :'(
    Thank you,


  7. lianna

    Beautiful palette!! Will miss the brand, the formulations were gorgeous on the skin.

  8. mq, cb

    Lipstick Luvvie and Poseylass, I was told on Saturday that they had 14 days left before they were due to close. At that point, they were out of Peau Vierge moisturiser and concealer, all kaleidoscopes (although they haven’t had any eye ones for ages because of demand for them in the US) and all coloured mascaras. They have been off the Selfridges online site for some time.

    They told me that the closure was down to distribution issues because the manufacturer could not keep up with demand, but didn’t quibble when I commented that presumably this made it difficult to make their floor rent. They also said that the distribution problems have created further shortages since people tend to buy out what is available in case it never comes into stock again.

  9. lady jane grey

    What a shame ! Really great products (although I had some majore problems with the SAs while sold at Liberty).

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