Blooming Blends Tinctures Review

[unpaid/sample] I’m such a sucker for a supplement – every time I read about a new ingredient or a new supplement I feel compelled to add it to the many I already take. I’m surprising myself by listing exactly what I’m taking because it’s SO much! Dose Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex ,VH Mega ProBio, Advanced Nutrition Skin Omegas, Better You D Spray, Better You B12 and Alflorex (and I’m already at approx £100+ per month) are daily supplements for me and I can’t see one I can get rid of – I’d like to add Dose NAD+ Generator but I can’t really flex the budget because it already feels like a lot to spend. Supplements often take quite some time to give evidence of working – I’ll do a separate post sometime on stopping Symprove and replacing it with Alflorex because it was quite the turbulent month – so it’s a leap of faith in some cases.

So, my long winded way of suggesting that you try the Blooming Blends Tinctures is prelude to the point that tinctures are more or less immediate. Tinctures are made by steeping herbs in ethanol (Blooming Blends evaporate the alcohol off … boo) to create a potent herbal brew which is then added to an ingestible oil so it’s pleasant to take. With a tincture, you’re likely to absorb and utilise 98% of the properties as opposed to 50% from a pill.

It’s my own theory that if you are a particularly clean living person, you’ll feel the benefits of a tincture far more easily than if you are not because otherwise it just has too much to contend with. I’ve no idea if this is true but it feels like it could be :-). My auntie swears by Rescue Remedy – it was a staple in our house for years – but Blooming Blends are somewhat more specific in their targeting. I’ve tried both Nighttime and the Energy option.

Nighttime does seem to have some relaxing effects – it’s hard to say if I have consistently better sleep because my sleep is so variable anyway, but I took some on Saturday evening and only woke up once which is miracle for me. I prefer the idea of using it for middle of the night wakefulness – useful to have something to hand that may knock you back out before the rumination starts.  It’s a less predictable line up of ingredients than usual – oat straw, limeflower, chamomile flower, lavender and ashwagandha – and it’s got plenty of positive reviews. When I’ve tried Energy, it’s been at the general afternoon flagging peak (abut 3pm for me) and I don’t think I’ve felt massively more energetic. But, it occurred to me that perhaps I’m taking it incorrectly and that I should take it before the tiredness hits, so that it, er, doesn’t. Energy contains hibiscus flower, gotu kola, siberian ginseng, rosehip and ashwagandha.

Blooming Blends Tinctures are £25.99 each so I’d definitely have to consider them for occasional use rather than add to the line up of things I’m already taking, but if you struggle with sleep, energy, digestion issues, mood issues or anxiety issues, you may find it helpful to have a quick fix to hand. You can find them HERE.


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