The newest member to the Porefessional range is Benefit Porefessional License To Blot – an oil blotting stick. The stick itself is in a triangle (eek.. am sure there is a proper name for a long triangle but I’ve no clue what it is – any geometary fans please do dive in!).
I thought it would be interesting to see how much ‘stick’ you get hidden away in the packaging and as you can see, it’s about half the amount that you’d expect if you looked at the packaging alone. At £15.50, this is a very expensive way to blot. The triangle thing is a good idea though, it seems to hug the contours of the nose nicely.
In many ways, I’m not that impressed with this – the materials I have here are giving claims based on a very small group of testers (in one case, 10) and it’s a lot of money. However, like all the Porefessional products, it gives good matte, it’s completely chuck-in-your-bag portable and it’s good to have more oil control options.
Look out for Benefit Porefessional License To Blot from June.
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