BBB Housekeeping Post: Malicious Clone

I’m suspending the RSS feed on BBB temporarily because of a malicious clone site. What this means is that my site is being completely copied with all routes to the origins of the copy site masked. While I have forensic examination done, I need to suspend the RSS which means that BBB won’t appear on Blog Lovin for a time. I hope this won’t be for very long, but if you want to subscribe to receive a daily email so you don’t miss anything, you can do so in the side bar, and then unsubscribe when the feed is back.

The clone site is using masking at all points and it’s being done for no reason other than to affect my stats.

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11 responses to “BBB Housekeeping Post: Malicious Clone”

  1. Yasmine M

    Is it being done on purpose, to target you specifically? How awful either way!

    1. Jane

      Possibly.. unless I know who it is it’s hard to say, but the priority isn’t really to find who it is – it’s to stop them doing it.

  2. Catherine

    Hi Jane

    I’m really sorry that you have to experience this. Don’t worry. Your work is unique and stand alone. I’ve been reading for a long time. Despite not being a fan of beauty products in general, yours is the one blog on this topic I do read. I’ve learned so much about social media/blogging/etc just by reading your posts, so thank you for that.


    1. Jane

      thank you so much Catherine! That’s really lovely to hear!

  3. I’m so sorry, what a complete pain the butt (to put it mildly). I hope you get it all stopped, no-one needs that kind of stress x

  4. Bloody hell, how awful. Hope it gets fixed soon. 🙁

  5. Paula o Connor

    God Jane you really don’t need or deserve this grief ❗️
    I hope you get whoever is responsible I’d certainly want to throttle him/her

  6. Saw the message on the clone site! Good thing it is down for now! That person was good in terms of copying.

    I really don’t understand these cloners (hoarders) except to “extort” money from you when they send you those S*E*O emails saying they notice duplicate content.

    I hope you can ban them. I had to do that to a couple of cloners. DMCA are a pain to file!


    1. Jane

      I haven’t had any SEO emails saying they notice duplicates! It’s going to be interesting to see what happens…

  7. Sabrina

    How awful. Unfortunately, it’s caused a couple of side effects:

    1. None of your internal links are clickable. In order to read each post, I now have to click on each link in the same window, instead of opening each one separately in a new tab. I’ll be honest here: as someone who prefers to read this site in multiple tabs, this is driving me slightly crazy.

    2. This also applies to product links. When I went to look at the Elizabeth Arden primer (I wanted to see what the ingredients were), the link didn’t let me open it in a new tab.

    3. Spell checker doesn’t work in the comment boxes. In other words, I can still see spelling errors, but I can’t right click to correct them.

    1. Jane

      Thanks.. we are having to very slowly add things back in – we’ve had to strip down the site completely.. sorry it’s going to take a while xx

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