BBB 2013 In Numbers


I thought it would be interesting to roughly calculate how BBB has looked in numbers over 2013. I’ve taken an approximation for everything other than posts which are easily trackable but it’s all as close as I can get it referencing bills, diary and inbox.

Blog Posts 1625

Blog Comments 6385

You Tube Videos (since June) 28

Tweets Sent 18,000

Instagrams (since May) 480

Launches 102

PR Meet Ups 172

PR/Brand Presentations/Speaker 36

Emails received 22,800

Trips 5 (9 days)

Pins on Pinterest 430

Products covered (including print) 3545

Phone Calls (Land/Mobile) 800

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4 responses to “BBB 2013 In Numbers”

  1. Danniella Josephine

    Oh my! That is crazy! 🙂

    Danniella x | Famous in Japan

  2. Vivien @ The London Oil Co

    That’s bloody impressive! (‘scuse my French…)
    I really need to learn how to tweet more – I guess at some point it becomes second nature, but I just don’t have it in me (yet).

    Also, are you sure you operate on a 24-hours-in-a-day basis? Because if you have somehow discovered how to extend a day by an extra 8 hours, I would like to know the trick… 🙂

  3. Pretty in Pink

    You work too hard! 😉

  4. WOW that’s a lot of emails! x

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