I couldn’t ever be an interiors blogger – I’m always in awe of the perfection and detail that I see on-line that makes me feel both admiring of the style and grumpy about the mess in my own home. But mostly, homes aren’t perfect – they’re a hotch-potch of activity, chaos, cooking and flopping about on sofas. They’re full of odd socks, shoes that are never where they should be, mugs with mould appearing from under settees and missing TV controls. And, that’s why I am more than happy to flag up Home-Pourri for being imperfection positive and realising that Instagram doesn’t have a smell but real homes do.

When we came back from our little break in Spain a few weeks ago, lets just say something was clearly deceased under the sitting room floorboards. It wasn’t the welcome we expected but it’s the one we got and apart from ripping up all the boards which seemed excessive there was literally nothing we could do apart from wait for the dearly departed to, well, fully depart into the ether. So, Home-Pourri had a baptism of fire and I have never felt so thankful for PR prescience than that day.
I mainly used Fresh Air – it’s a truly ‘clean washing, sprig of mint’ kind of comfort scent that blasts away and neutralises whatever you’re trying to hide. However, I soon assigned the scents to different rooms, sticking with Fresh Air for the living room, Grapefruit Lychee for the kitchen and Lavender Sage for the bathroom. I didn’t think I’d ever be mentally compiling lists of things that smell in my home but because you can use Home-Pourri on pretty much everything, that’s what I found myself doing.
So, trainers, wellies, bins, the entire house after Mr BBB has been slow cooking something beefy, jumpers after baking (nice but you only want to smell of cupcakes briefly), coats and hats after someone forgot the smokeless wood for the firepit party and we all smell like something dangerous the fire brigade have had to be called for… I mean, the list goes on. Please do add yours if you have a pet peeve home smell!
Home-Pourri has the scent aesthetic of a fragranced candle – it will sit in peace with you just gently doing its thing and it does it using only natural essential oils, no parabens, aerosols, alcohol or synthetics. I mean, I’m sorry about the mouse (RIP) but I’m glad we didn’t have to live every moment of its ascent to a better place. All the Home-Pourris are £9.95 HERE – 10% off for your first purchase.
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