Accessorize Lychee Sorbet Bath Petals

Accessorize Lychee Sorbet Bath Petals
Accessorize Lychee Sorbet Bath Petals

See, I get my head turned by beauty frivolities like this! These sumputous flowers are the Accessorize Lychee Sorbet Bath Petals – chuck in a bath and pretend you’re a princess. Just as a note, you don’t throw the entire box in (I guess you can if you want or if you have a swimming pool sized bath) but instead strew a few of the petals onto the bath water and wait for them to dissolve.

Accessorize Lychee Sorbet Bath Petals
Accessorize Lychee Sorbet Bath Petals

I’ll be completely honest and say these aren’t hugely fragranced, but Lychee Sorbet is nice enough even at a faint level; these are all about the look and well, just because you can throw flowers in your bath if you damn well want to!

Bath petals always remind me of some friends who went on holiday to Bali – when they arrived at their hotel, Mr X headed to the room to discover that someone had accidentally dropped bits of flower all over their bed, so he hastily swept them all off and put them in the bin. Ahem. Although I’m told that a real petal strewn bath, once it goes a bit cold, is like sitting in a soggy vegetation stew and the petals won’t go down the plug hole. At least that can’t happen with dissolving soap petals!

Anyway, if you fancy indulging your inner princess, they’re £10 HERE.

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4 responses to “Accessorize Lychee Sorbet Bath Petals”

  1. Heathcote & Ivory does some really pretty ones too.

  2. Megan

    These would be ace for the clichéd legs in a bubble bath Instagram!

  3. The Gossip Darling (@gossipdarling1)

    I’m totally down for adding these to my bath! Just need to add candles and wine!

    Mel |

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