Isadora China Nail Art

Isadora China Nail Art
Isadora China Nail Art

If you’re able to get hold of Isadora (it’s not in the UK but readily available in Europe), their China Nail Art collection is one of the most sparkly around. It’s a variation on a theme that we’ve already seen (feather, fireworks etc) but there is such a big selection. I was going to say that I think it’s better quality than most, but then I remembered that most nail polish is made in the same few factories so it is probably the same as others, with the colour selection being better.

Isadora China Nails
Isadora China Nails

The silver one in particular is beautiful – a myriad of glimmering strands.

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9 responses to “Isadora China Nail Art”

  1. Hannah

    Again not showing the products on the nails, or on the skin, Boring, when will you ever learn

  2. Jane Cunningham

    I’m really at a loss as to why you would leave such an unpleasant comment on my blog? What is your expectation exactly of the blog, and if you don’t like it, why do you read it at all?

    Here’s what my remit is for my blog:

    To provide as much new information as possible regarding beauty.
    To update every day with regular and varied posts.
    To write about the beauty blogosphere.
    To write about being a beauty journalist.
    To think out of the box when I’m writing and not follow the crowd.
    To give as much time and effort as I humanly can to my blog.

    Just so you know, comments like yours are belittling, demeaning and yes, very hurtful. All I know is, happy people don’t do what you just did.


  3. What is it about the online arena that make people think they can say whatever they like, in whatever manner they like, never giving a thought for the person they are targeting? Agreed everyone has the right to their opinion, but there are way to speak to people – at least that’s how I was brought up. It seems that the world is getting more impatient, selfish and nastier day by day, and nowhere is this more apparent than online. If you have an opinion, Hannah, by all means express it, but is it really necessary to be so rude? Most normal people would agree that it says a lot worse about you than it does about the blog or the blog author.

    When will people realise that simple basic manners cost nothing?

  4. Oh this is just sad! It must be quite hard to go through your days, mannerless with such strong feelings of jealousy towards others. I hope you have a good primer to hide the color of your skin which must have turned green! By the way, Clinique has a new range out and yes, Jane has reviewed some of them:

  5. Amanda

    Absolutely agree that manners cost nothing! Speaking to someone in this way be it online or in person just isn’t acceptable. I for one love receiving my subscribers email every morning on the way to work and appreciate the endless hard work that goes into it!

  6. Hannah

    Just ignore the troll. I’m sure she thinks she could do much better. From a much nicer Hannah

  7. Not so easy showing something not available in your country, just saying.
    Fun thing, I went by a local make up store today, just browsing, swatching a bit, Picking up a thing here and a thing there that I needed, or thought I needed 🙂 By the end of my tour around the shop I found Isadora China Nail Art. On the in shop swatches they looked quite good, I bought the golden one, Dynasty, The nude-pink one also looked really good, but they were out of that colour.
    I just tried mine, as I sit here, writing and I quite like it. I do think it’ll look even better over a red or dark varnish.The nail still feels even, a good thing, as I dislike feeling glitters and stuff on them. I always start picking at it and remove the glittery pieces, that doesn’t do much good either to the nail or to the look.
    Sorry for going on for so long, writing isn’t one of my better skills.
    Have a really pleasant day!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Hi Helen… the reason I show Isadora is that my readership isn’t just confined to the UK – I do have quite a lot of European readers too so it seems relevant to cover it from time to time. I hate the little strands when they curl up – just HAVE to pick them, so I always need to use a couple of coats of topcoat to make sure that doesn’t happen. Thank you for commenting 🙂

  8. Thanks Jane we have Isadora here in Ireland. Thanks for realising that the world is bigger than the UK. So many times I have read a blog, really wanted a product to find out it is only available in the UK damn! Would you consider doing a post on what products are good by Isadora? Much love from Ireland x x

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