The Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick Charms could not be more up my street if they tried! I love anything little and these are rinky dink little – like lipsticks for fairies! Three pocket sized K.I.S.S.I.N.G Lipsticks in signature rose gold – what you can’t see so well in the pictures are that the lids are covered in tiny stars.

Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick Charms also come with little ribbons – this is a sample set so only one has a ribbon, but when they go on sale, they will all have ribbons.

Lipstick shades are from bottom to top: Penelope Pink, Bitch Perfect and So Marilyn. The Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick Charms don’t go on sale til November (£29 for a box of 3) but I couldn’t wait. Just couldn’t!
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