When What You Do Isn’t Good Enough

Something really horrible happened today – I discovered that my blog isn’t good enough.

I think us bloggers go through the mill a bit; in these days of social media listeners who appear to be able to hear nothing and the general re-shuffle of who is brand appropriate and who isn’t there’s a legion of bloggers wondering, after supporting brands wholeheartedly for years, what the heck is going on.

More worryingly, the ‘listeners’ who are quite deaf really, don’t quite have the public relations skills to deal with fall-out of what they create. Brands are looking to them as experts, but tell me someone more expert in blogging than a blogger?

So going back to my opener, I am absolutely sure I am not the only blogger to take a massive knock-back but my goodness when it comes, it hurts. I work in a pro-blogger way with brands and agencies, who to be fair are utterly overwhelmed, on how to work in a good way with bloggers. There aren’t samples for everyone any more, there aren’t enough hours in the day to respond to every email and request from bloggers – that is just how the landscape lies. So, it makes sense for brands to hand over the blogger arm to someone more experienced. But this only works if that someone (and yes, they really are called ‘listeners’) is actually experienced. When I’m talking to brands about working positively with bloggers, it’s often the case that they just need to have permission to say no to the multitude of requests. PRs are trained to be the person that makes it happen, so saying no isn’t a natural thing and feels all wrong at their end. However, the fact remains that there literally is not enough time or enough sample availability for everyone to have a slice. So, no it has to be. I totally get it from both sides of the fence and at the moment it isn’t easy on either side.

But what I don’t expect, really, is to be insulted which is exactly what’s happened. And without going into specifics (all I can say is that me and my little blog weren’t deemed ‘cool enough’ or ‘influential enough’ or ‘good enough’ or ‘worthy enough’ or any of the enoughs that ‘listeners’ apply) because that’s of no use to anyone, I will say that the consequences are devastating.

What’s got forgotten, and what was there at the beginning and is lost now, is that behind the general ‘blogger’ umbrella are people who just love beauty. While my site is monetized and it is now a fully-fledged pro-blog, I couldn’t write about beauty day in and day out without loving it to the core. Some brands genuinely hold a place in my heart, for being part of my past, my present and my future and I think a lot of us feel this way. I don’t love beauty any the less because it’s now my job and not my hobby any more. I’m beyond upset at the thoughtlessness I’ve been shown and as I pretty much share the ups and downs on my blog, I thought I’d just be open about this one, too. You’re never too big to be taken down. You’re never too successful to feel an inch high and for some you’re never quite good enough. And, Jesus, it’s not a nice feeling.


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65 responses to “When What You Do Isn’t Good Enough”

  1. Emma-Louise

    Great post. Just for the record, you are ace! They will realise they have missed out on you! Chin up and lots of smiles! Em

  2. Emma Cossey

    Clearly the words of someone who hasn’t done their research. Your blog crops up in conversation quite a lot at blogging conventions etc as one that sets the bar. In fact, it’s usually recommended with the words “if you’re going to read just one beauty blog, it has to be British Beauty Blogger.” As others have mentioned, it’s their loss.

  3. Charlie

    We’re reasonable people. We understand that brands don’t always want to work with us. There will be bigger better more relevant blogs for them to deal with (in your case I find this surprising but hey ho). I’ve said in the comments on your blog before and I’ll say it again, brands need to find ways to explain to bloggers when the relationship is over. Being rude and insulting is not acceptable and nor is no explanation which simply leaves bloggers wondering what on earth they did wrong. A brand you have worked with closely for years, no longer wanting to work with you is ALWAYS going to smart, but brands have to start dealing with this in a kind and respectful way. I am hearing way too often from bloggers who are upset because x brand seems to have dropped them when previously they’ve been involved in every release. Bloggers have feelings, you can’t build relationships and then jsut act like they don’t exist anymore or treat them like crap.

  4. :((( We don’t even get a brand name to scowl over? this really is nasty. I couldn’t imagine how I’d respond. There’d probably be tequila involved.

  5. Jane, I understand it hurts. I’m a relative newcomer and as you know I do PR and write. I sometimes get invites to spas and once I accept am then asked to justify why I should go. My stats are growing, but still in their infancy. I was then univinted. Smacked in the mouth and slapped around.

  6. Jane Cunningham

    Thanks for these comments – they’ve really helped to cheer me up. I couldn’t love blogging more because of things like this no matter how horrible brands are 🙂

    1. Don’t let the schmucks of this world get you down Jane! You really do a fantastic job of writing constructive pieces that a ton of people enjoy reading. You have too many fans to take any notice of some smuggie who thinks they’re too good for your input…. they just show lack of manners…… x

  7. Sending hugs from here – talk about rubbing salt on a wound. =/

  8. What do they know! I love your blog as I know many others do too- more fool them! Who it was that said this to you, remember this, their response/reply says a whole lot about them, and nothing about you. Chin up 🙂 x

  9. Hello Jane, it’s like any knock back…auditions if you are an actress (particularly a well known one), and then don’t get the role….a small brand trying to get into a leading retailer and being told you are too niche, too cult or even just plain too small…..and now it seems a blogger, who just wants to write an honest blog. Not easy but always keep the faith, respond with dignity and keep doing what your are doing, as you have thousands of followers who love what you do! Me included. Their loss!

  10. Rebecca

    I hope I don’t cause upset when I say this, but I find that I don’t turn to your blog when I want to know someones “journey” with a product, and the product description isn’t always lengthy (it doesn’t always have to be). However, I will always, without fail, turn to your blog to know what is actually out now, coming up and I want to know your thoughts on products. I have turned to you for, oh God, I don’t even know how many years and I will continue to do so. The fact that you were cast aside like that is cruel and deeply unprofessional. I’m genuinely a bit shocked and indignant, like I would be if someone slated Caroline Hirons. I hope you won’t feel blue for long. I’m just a randomer from the street but I value your blog more than you will know if it helps in the slightest.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      It helps a lot, so thank you for taking the time x

  11. jo

    So sad. You are the reason I started blogging, I was first beauty blogger in Poland, now I have my own little beauty web as well ( http://www.pieknoscdnia.pl) but I do know how you feel, I was there. New bloggers are coming, youtube bloggers are growing, 5000 members on blogspot it is all we want, but I do not have. Numbers, that what they ( PR) want. People do not read, just watch pictures , everything is going to fashion blogger, thats the trend now. What to do? Keep blogging. We love you. Content will win in the end:)

    1. Ooo – do you fancy doing a beauty swap? I hear Poland has some great cosmetic brands!

      1. Great comment Jo. Like everyone else, I agree that you can’t be chosen every time, however there needs to be some tact and diplomacy involved… Isn’t this the communications industry?!

  12. Hannah Green

    You’re brilliant! And unbiased which I love. All these cool clique of bloggers are clearly giving good reviews to free stuff, in my opinion anyway, and you can spot it a mile off. Don’t fret, you have principles!

  13. strikkelise

    I don´t know if this is the case here, but I see brands also becoming more professional as to which segment of the market they concentrate on. Like Rebecca I don´t come here for very personal opinions about products, but I follow your blog for more “news” related beauty stuff. You are a blogger but also clearly a professional, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
    Some brands may want to concentrate on more personal bloggers, “unedited” consumers so to speak. Maybe, for instance, 22 year olds whom they hope will be a direct influence on their peers, you know? A very commercial way of thinking, but that´s that they are after, making a profit.
    However, treating contacts rudely is just plain unprofessional, no doubt about it.
    I hope you won´t feel bad for too long.
    As a professional in the media industry (not in beauty), and a blogger for many years (not any more) I am a true and long time fan of your knowledgeable, opinionated and always interesting writing.

    1. strikkelise

      ETA: I am a non native speaker of English and so I feel the need to apologize for any imperfections in my wording that may come across as less polite than intended.

  14. Wow. That is utterly ridiculous… you (and A Model Recommends) were the first blogs/any form of writing about beauty I stumbled across whilst procrastinating in my third year at uni. Since then my obsession with make up has grown from being the proud owner of one Chanel lipstick to not only wanting the product because it’s Chanel or YSL but also because it actually works – 3 (ish!) years later and I probably trust your opinion over my mum/any other blogger! In the best way possible in my eyes you’re like the mother of bloggers – I read loads of other blogs but always come back to BBB for the real advice! (and yes, I rushed out to buy both the bourjois cream blush and the nivea skin conditioner at the weekend) Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re fab! x

  15. The mailing list was full?! The brand doesn’t want continued coverage across the web? This sounds like some idiot PR intern who doesn’t have a clue about “exposure” whether it’s a sample or just coverage. I cover plenty brands that won’t even consider giving me samples (despite seeing them ALL over the “cool” blogs) but that’s fine – I consider building a relationship more important than the product – one day they will want to send me something to review because they love my site – until then I remain professional, friendly and helpful to their brand.

    Jane sorry to hear this but I’m not surprised. Brands seem to have very strange agendas when it comes to bloggers – seeing 22 yr olds reviewing anti-aging products when I’m 35 (and my reader base is over 30 mainly) and in a much better place to review them just seems stupid.

    Brands that in my day of being 18-22 were bought by my mum and grandma are courting the 18-22 market now (like Hannah says – the cool and “famous” clique) and of course they are very quick to give favourable reviews.

    When I was 18-22, most girls my age were buying Barry M not Kevin Aucoin, Rimmel not Chantecaille…we just didn’t have the cash to splash at Space NK or Selfridges!

    I also notice than the blogging community is very much – follow me and I’ll follow you. It’s bloggers following each other – same age group, same demographics(it’s not a bad thing just sayin’). I don’t see these brands reaching to their ACTUAL customers.

    We all want you to name and shame so we can share in your disappointment but understand you are looking to remain professional and that’s fine. The brand’s PR will come unstuck at some point and get their “come uppance” for this kind of attitude.


    1. strikkelise

      That´s another side of the 22 year old thing, brands hoping to get cheap, unfiltered postiveness rather than qualified reviews. They know they aren´t going to get “OMG this is so cool” just by mailing some samples to a blogger, if said blogger is a pro. 🙂

      1. Well that’s very true – especially with the overinflated claims of anti-aging some of them have! Cheap, unfiltered positivity is better than -I’ve still got wrinkles 6 weeks after using this product!

        Women over 30 have generally tried a lot more product and aren’t willing to waste their money on a whim or a trend (I’m looking at you Chanel with your silly bright yellow mascara!) They know what suits them and wouldn’t be caught dead commenting that “OMG something was sooo cool”

        Just frustrates me. s’all.

  16. Feel free x x x

  17. Lots

    Jane, I’m so sorry you have been left feeling like this. Hopefully the comments above have illustrated just how influential you are to your readers, how much we value your honesty and your experience. And how much our bank balances resent you…
    And personally I’d see it as a complement not to be seen as ‘cool enough’ – ‘cool’ blogs turn me off straight away. I don’t want someone who jumps on to the nearest trend bandwagon, I want someone who will be straight with me and recognise when something has just slapped the words ‘BB’ on a product to make it sell…

    Hope you have a great weekend x

  18. Eve

    Jane, your blog is the best blog on the web. My day is not complete without checking out what you have posted. Keep going. The cream always rises to the top.

  19. Charlie


  20. Commenter

    Whoa, wherever that gargantuan sense of self-entitlement came from?! Are you actually aware that there are real people out there with real sucky jobs, not getting ANY free stuff at all, and no trips to Paris or anything? Has it really NEVER occurred to you there just MAY be room for improvement for you and your pitiful blog? Because the pictures aren’t that great and most posts are only a couple lines long.
    But no, it’s those evil make-up companies who don’t want to give free shit to the precious little British Beauty Blogger, how dare they!

    1. Brave enough to throw around douchebaggery, but not to leave a name? Noted.

      1. Commenter

        Would it make you feel better if I’d signed with “hogsandwich”? Because that’s one hell of a name for sure.

    2. Lanina

      You (The Commenter) obviously are utterly clueless as to the blood, tears and sweat that goes into such a project. Maybe one day you might no longer be satisfied with a nine to five job and get on your own feet and discover that nothing can be taken for granted. I highly doubt that you have the capacity to understand the issues that BBB has had, and how utterly devastating it can be for someone. But instead of being silent (you know how it goes, when you have nothing nice to say…) you have the audacity to comment in a way that shows how small minded, silly and utterly clueless you are. Go back to where you have come from Commenter without a name and complain about your toenails or something.

    3. Actually, it’s nothing to do with getting ‘free stuff’ as you call it (which, by the way, has to be tested, researched and written about= work); it’s about respect. Whether you are a Dentist, McDonald Server or a Blogger; everybody wants to feel the work they put in is worthy of respect.
      Your comment has jealousy seeping from every word. Why don’t you start a blog and see how far you get with it.

  21. screw them. They sound like total jerks anyhow. I certainly have experienced this A LOT from brands who have said I’m not of the level they want for their products. I think it says a lot about that brand when they think they’re too good for some blogs, no matter the level of blog. I do understand product sample limitations and everything, but sometimes, brands can be downright smug bastards. I can’t wait for that wave of ugly karma to come back around and punch them in the metaphoric (or literal ) face. See how that fits their bottom line. Cheer up love! You’re an amazing blogger who lots of other bloggers and readers love. and you know what they say, sometimes what you want isn’t given because something better is on the way. ♥

  22. Jane Cunningham

    The absolute upside of this is that more than anything it’s affirmation that bloggers and their readers still have a really close bond that is worth more than any brand could ever know. While I am plugging away writing stuff to upload onto my blog and wondering if it’s all just disappearing into the ether, suddenly I discover that when its most needed, everyone IS there! Your support has been worth more than I can say and now I’m actually glad it happened because this stream of comments never would have happened with without it. So, thank you so much – I am genuinely eternally grateful. Normal service tomorrow!

    1. Sharon M

      I feel bad now that I haven’t commented or tweeted you for ages. I guess I didn’t want you thinking I was a stalker, or that I would be commenting for my own gain (as an indie beauty brand creator).
      Sometimes I even read your posts and see no comments or only one or two and think ‘that would hurt me’ yet still feel a little fish who couldn’t possibly have any impact on your day.

      You are the *Great* British Beauty Blogger afterall. I am being totally sincere-whenever I tell people about your blog or you I always describe you as the Queen of beauty bloggers. I thought *everyone* knew that, but obviously not!

      Anyway, I see from your heartfelt comments and especially this one that a comment or tweet (when I get back to twitter-it overwhelms me!) wouldn’t go astray. Duly noted 🙂

  23. What Jane said… in fact this is prob the best blog comment I’ve ever read! 😀

    Nic x

  24. Jane I hate to see you suffer for crap like this, but it’s also part of you and BBB’s fabulousness – you never pretend to be anything you’re not.

    You’ve had some great comments already, so just want to send you some love.


  25. Jane, your blog is very good and you are smart 🙂 I love it ! Chill, nobody can have success 100% of the time 🙂 Love from Romania!

  26. Lanina

    Jane BBB is a treasure of a blog, its funny, entertaining and has kept me hooked since at least two years. There will always people who criticize, the more success you have the worse it gets. Your blog is amazing, very cool, very up to date and any brand can feel honored if you present their products, because this audience takes your ratings seriously and will (in my case more often than not) follow your recommendations.
    I know it hurts, but chin up, keep posting, they will be back one day to realize the mistake they made, or the person working their will be replaced with someone more competent. Sending sympathy from Switzerland, never forget that your readers adore you with good reason.

  27. That’s what I was going to say. If ‘British Beauty Blogger’ isn’t good enough then god help us all.

  28. mariannecaroline

    Dear Jane,
    I even log on from Austria every day to check out what you have to say. Ultimately it is the consumer who holds the power and if brands don´t recognize this they are not worth being bought. I am in my 40s now and can afford buying whatever I feel is right for me and your blog helps with this a lot. I know it would be unprofessional to tell us who treated you so badly, but it would help me in basing my purchasing decisions.
    Good luck with the blog and stay strong, we need you!;)
    Hugs from Austria

  29. Nikki

    I buy products on your recommendation. Lots of them. If this brand will no longer be featured in your blog I, like many, many others will not be buying their products. Enough said! Keep up the good work; you are very much valued by your extremely loyal and devoted subscribers x

  30. Julia

    Just have to say that no matter what the *experts* think I love your blog.I hope that you don’t let them stop you.You give a real persons insight to the products.It is appreciated.

  31. I don’t read a lot of blogs, Out of the ones I do read, I save yours for last as I like it the most. Hope that makes sense. 🙂
    So many have said what I want to, and in a much better way 🙂
    Keep going! Loads of positiv thoughts jumping over the Nordic Sea (????) from sunny Sweden

  32. Bloggers are as important and influential as classic media; in fact in some circumstances even more. For any brand who does not know this, respecting what bloggers do, is truly naive. Jane – never feel you’re not good enough; you’re more than that!! X

  33. Like previous people have said, I look forward to receiving a new post email from your blog to find out what’s new in the world of beauty. I’m always shocked how brands discard GREAT bloggers without a reason.

    I love your blog and have done for a very long time now, I’d rather have a sneak peak from someone I trust than a badly written post or vlog praising a product that is crap just to stay in the pr’s good books!

  34. I know how you feel. It’s why I try to only write in mine now occasionally because I just get too caught up otherwise, it just hurts too much. I love being a blogger and writing about beauty so much. It’s part of me, I HAVE to do it! The knockbacks are so painful, people don’t understand that this is who we are…it’s a labour of love and we put our soul into our words. You are wonderful. Keep going Jane, you have a forever fan in me and they don’t know what they are missing!


  35. Alex Shafii

    just love your blog wait for it every morning just ignore those who after all know nothing

  36. Trimperley

    The important thing to remember when faced with this type of situation is that sometimes it’s not you it’s the other person. Will now spend the next few months analysising posts to work out which is the dastardly brand.

  37. Georgina

    I can’t say it any better than Leah…

    I *adore* your blog because you are so very smart, interesting and TRUSTWORTHY. You are also thoughtful and principled. Your integrity shines through in everything that you write, as does your enthusiasm. That is a rare enough combination of qualities but on top of that you can write *properly*.

    I think that you ought to let the comments gather here for a couple of days and then forward the link to the *idiot* person that thought you weren’t good enough (pfffftt!) If you recommend something and it appeals to me, then I buy it. What more do they want???! (I’m with all the people that *wish* you could name the brand but I realise that you’re too pro for that…)

    Jane – I hope that you have a super weekend. May the sun shine on you!

    THANK YOU for your marvellous blog. Xx

  38. Andreia

    I think your blog is the best beauty blog I could find. I’m not so keen on blogs generally speaking though. Yet I make an exception with your blog, because it shows that you love make up, and I like your opinions and attitude. I’ve been reading your articles for quite some time now, but this is the first time I post a comment. I want to thank you for all the interesting, useful and valuable information.

  39. Jennifer

    Love your blog, always have, always will.

  40. llj

    well there loss ,evidently know nothing as your blog jane is a cult one to read and gets many to start to blog to name a few,as a newbie blogger its so annoying to be contacted by a company and as you get lots of views means nothing as no one actually clicks to follow and you need 500 or 5000 .but if bloggers like yourself are being treated like this what hope has anyone got.are they being so hard because of recession lately.your blogs are well written and well explained and yes some of the things have made me go out and try them that i wouldn’t normally of tried .so without top bloggers like you companies will suffer.i understand it would also be good to see newer blogs getting products pr samples as well to blog about but the top 5 say in the uk are trusted bloggers and respected for there knowledge and years they put into it. .so cheer up and move on forewords there will always be some company better around the corner for you.

  41. Pink Provocateur

    Something interesting is a poll on Temptalia from yesterday: “What do you do more often: impulse buy or research before you buy?” The vast majority replied that they research before buying. And where do most people get their information? Blogs, of course. Online reviewers have the most up-to-date information available. What’s more, most of us feel like we have relationship of trust with our favourite bloggers unlike anything we could possibly ever have with anything in print. I wish brands would realise that, and not fight against it.

    I’m sorry you had this experience, Jane. Your blog is one of the first I consult on a consistent basis.

  42. cafemakeupAmy

    Sometimes I wonder about the use of the word “blog”– like Eskimos have so many different words for “snow,” so the Internet must have different words for “blogs.” Is a magazine affiliated “blog” judged on the same terms as a single-manned swatching blog?

    I’m sorry that happened Jane, it’s rough out there and undeserved. You’re a blogging princess in my book. I adore it here.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Hi Amy… anything blog-wise with a magazine affiliation is known as a ‘digital title’. A social media outreacher is a ‘listener’. A YT is known as a ‘digital conversationist’… need I say more! Thanks for your kind comment x

  43. Becky

    Although I read your blog posts everyday without fail, I rarely if ever have left a comment. I might be a silent follower but I’m an extremely loyal one! I think BBB is absolutely fantastic, I often turn to your blog to see if I can get a quick summary of a product before I buy it. I know exactly what I am getting with BBB and don’t want for anymore more or any less. You are brilliant at what you do, have a very loyal group of readers and any brand that doesn’t see that is missing out. Truth is Jane, you rave about a product, I want it! You complain about a product- it’s unlikely I would touch it with a barge pole! More fool them I say! With love from Bahrain x

  44. Mandy

    Hi Jane, I read your blog every morning, before I leave my bed!

    I’ve bought loads of products which I’ve read about here – last week the Nivea conditioner, which I love, yesterday the three new Chanel nail varnishes (actually 4 plus a Chanel lipstick…….yesterday was a good day!!!). And I can’t tell you how many products I’ve gone and actually looked at after reading about them on your blog – and no I haven’t always bought them, but without your blog, I wouldn’t have known about them.

    I’ve recommended your blog to girl friends and we’ve discussed products that you’ve trialed. Everyone I’ve recommended it to loves it.

    This company ‘suit’ has just missed out on one of the best marketing tools out there – what a dipshit! All I can say is their loss! Your blog is great, and don’t let anyone tell you differently. Keep up the good work! 😉

  45. PerfectPink

    Hi Jane,

    I’m new to your blog, but am a long-time beauty addict and a copywriter by trade. I totally understand how you feel about the unprofessional way you have been treated by a former client (sorry, ‘listener’!). And we’re not alone. I don’t know of any decent writer who hasn’t had some shocking knockback like that somewhere along the line.

    Ironically, it’s often when there’s a level of mutual respect in the relationship that you feel able to make constructive criticism, confident that your ‘listener’ will ‘hear’ it in the right way. Isn’t that how relationships grow, after all?

    But I’ve learnt the hard way that it’s a risk. Staff change, policies change, there may be a misunderstanding… you can never be quite sure how things are going to go down.

    So don’t start to doubt yourself. With any creative project, sometimes people will pour praise on you and sometimes scorn. Neither matters (though praise definitely feels nicer!). In the end, only you know that you go into every job as wholeheartedly as you can. Simply because you can’t do it any other way.

    ‘Not doubting yourself’ isn’t about knowing it all and always being right. Learning and trying new things means failing sometimes. But that love and talent for what you do, never doubt or compromise on that.

    Sorry for what looks like a sermon, reading back ;). But it’s good for me to remember what this feels like, and my own words of wisdom, the next time Clients Attack!

  46. Sabrina

    Your blog is amazing. I’ve bought so many products based on your recommendations, and they’ve all been brilliant. That company doesn’t know what they’re missing. As for me, I’m sending you actual love and a virtual hug. <3

  47. Kim

    I’ve been away so am just now catching up with your site………a place I visit everyday and have been suffering withdrawal symptoms!!!! I’m beyond shocked, like so many others who have commented, I love your blog. I also buy lots of products based on your recommendations and I’ve never been disappointed. You’ll never please everybody all of the time, but reading the above comments, you obviously please a lot of people most of the time so don’t be disheartened, I would prefer to think that the company that ‘dissed’ you actually weren’t good enough for YOU! Keep up the great blog, sod the rest! <>

  48. Mel

    Use it to your advantage. Maybe it is what they’ve suggested so why not change it? The competition is fearce these days. Plus, a bit of a challenge never hurted anyone but I can u see stand why you went into a state of emotion.

  49. Kristi C. (@lov2read68)

    I realize I am late to the party for responding but I’d just like to add my 2 cents – as a US reader I especially look forward to your posts showing up in my inbox as you often feature things that haven’t arrived in the US or may not ever make it to the US. I appreciate your down to earth point of view, your honest opinion, your great swatches – the list goes on. Whether it is a PR sample or something you purchased with your own funds, I know that I will get your view not one that is biased by where the product came from. Trust can’t be bought. I think all of your readers are savvy enough to discern which bloggers give glowing reviews just because it’s a PR sample

    While I am saddened to read about how a company treated you, I commend you for your professional response in not stooping to ‘naming and shaming’. I am not a blogger so I can’t even pretend to understand all that goes into blogging, especially one that is a professional blog that is your livelihood. Someone above mentioned a poll asking whether people make impulse purchases or if most are researched before buying. I’m not at all surprised to read that most research. It doesn’t take long to sift out which blogs are good for research! This was a bump in the road, I know better things are coming round the bend for you!

    All that to say, I look forward to continuing to read your blog for a long time to come Jane!

  50. So somebody who reads blogs is called a listener? I suppose it is a bit like nobody in a marketing department would have the first clue about how to sell anything in a market.

    If it is any consolation Debussy was convinced that all the French newspapers only employed music critics who were deaf.

    But I think the huge number of supportive comments on here shows that BBB is greatly appreciated by a lot of us out here.

  51. Also really sorry to be so late to comment, but just wanted to say I’m shocked. Yours was the first beauty blog I subscribed to, and every morning I look forward to my email in my inbox with your new posts – hardly a day goes by that I don’t read it in bed BEFORE getting up to start my day! Your professionalism, dedication and knowledge shines through in every post; it’s the “listeners” that have shown their lack of all three by shunning your blog. Their loss (although I know that doesn’t make you feel any better at this point).

    Love. Adore. Addicted to. Your blog.
    End of.

  52. James

    great article. thanks for sharing

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